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After another hour they had came across a abandoned looking hut, their was screaming coming from the inside. They all tried to ignore it but they couldn't when it sounded as if countless people were getting murdered in the hut. Emily and Zoey covered their ears in attempt to lower the volume of the screaming.

"Can you make it stop?" Ethan yelled towards Lilly

"No, I'm sorry, we will just have to keep moving if you don't want to hear it." sh said. Right after she said that a dead looking woman came out the door of the hut.

"Mom!" Emily screamed as she tried to rush over to her mother while Zach and Zoey were holding on to her arms.

"Em your mom is dead." Zach said trying to look her in the eyes.

"Then how is she right here," Emily said tears falling down her face,

"Because you're hallucinating or something," Zach said trying to get away from the truth. The woman did indeed look like Emily's mother except dead.

"Zach this can't be a hallucination and you know it, we both saw her parents, and if this was a hallucination then how can all of us see her?" Zoey said defencive.

"I know, but they both are dead so this can't be Sara," he said

"Yeah but Lilly died and she's right over there," Zoey snapped back

"Let's just go." Zoey said grabbing Emily and pushing her forcefully to the ground.

"I can walk by myself,thank you very much," Emily said struggling to get up with Zoey's grip on her arm.

She used all her force and pulled her arm, Zoey fell back and she just stood up and began to walk away.

Emily started to run away, the feeling she felt for her mother when she first saw her vanished, after listening to her friends she agreed with them, her mother was dead whether she liked it or not.

She continued to run faster and faster, she didn't care about her friends anymore, all she cared about was the fastest way to get away from her dead mother. She could hear her friends call her name, she didn't respond. She wanted some alone time and that was running, she loved to do it, even in a apocalyptic world it was one of her joys. She ran and ran and ran until she couldn't anymore, she was alone now, her friends wouldn't be able to find her, she was still trying to figure out if that was a good thing or not.

Zoey had accidently let go, Emily was pretty strong, if only she held on for a while longer they might have been seeing her face instead trying to call her name.

Emily had run away, really far at that they couldn't even hear her running anymore. The thought of Emily being alone unsettled the whole group. They called Emily's name long and hard until night fall.

"I hope she's alright," Zach said laying down on the forest floor,

"Yeah, I hope so too," Zoey said

"Let's get some sleep and try to look for her in the morning," Lilly said looking up at the stars, really she had no intention of finding her friend, she couldn't let the group know though.

Emily looked up, she saw the stars twinkling above her she sighs and sits down. She barely has any food left. Out of nowhere there was a low sounding growl, Emily turned her head in the direction, wolves. She began to stand up but she heard another growl come from each direction, she was surrounded.

Emily had laid their in pain. The wolves had cut deep into her thigh and stomach. All she could really do was lie their and hope her friends could find her. She fell asleep and dreamt that her friends never found her and she was left out for dead. She woke up with a start, she sighed that it hadn't happened but quickly gasped from the pain it caused.

Lilly hadn't slept at all that night, she knew she was becoming more and more dangerous as time goes on but she doesn't want to leave her group. All night she had been trying to track down Emily with her new sense of direction and  location, and at last it worked, she had a small vision of where she was, from what she could see was long and large trees with one tiny narrow tree right by Emily, Lilly gasped when she saw Emily, she had blood all around and on her. Even though technically Lilly couldn't see it was in her mind where the visions came from.

When the rest of the group woke up Lilly forced them to get a move on and that they should probably keep walking if they want to find Emily. Little did they know that Lilly already knew where she was.

 They walked for what felt like hours upon hours, that's when they reached their first obstacle, another crazy person, this time Emily's dad. It kept saying that the've got Emily, even though Lilly knew that wasn't true she felt a compelling force to go with him. But eventually they moved on and they got closer to finding Emily.

Emily stared for what felt like a decade waiting watching for any sign of her friends even though none showed she didn't lose hope. She could feel that she was loosing blood and she hoped that she wouldn't bleed out, but really nobody knows.

When she heard voices her head snapped, she smiled when she heard the familiar arguing of her friends. "Guys," she managed to say

"Emily!" they said rushing over to her voice.

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