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"Maybe, I think this was on of the first murders," Ethan replied looking towards Emily,

"When I saw Steph's grandma it didn't look like a first murder. She had blood all over her clothing," Emily looked back at Ethan, flashed a quick smile then shivered.

Emily then started to sneeze, it was like she couldn't stop, and then the blood started, it started with sneezing out blood, than coughing it out, then bleeding it out. "What is happening to me?" Emily screamed between coughs and sneezes.

Zoeys eyes widened in realization, Emily was having a blood fit and if Emily was having one than she and Ethan might start to have one too.

"ETHAN!" Zoey yelled "be careful,"

Just like Zoey, his eyes widened and then he stepped back, just to be on the safe side. "What if it's Jake again, you know making us have the blood fits?" Zoey whispered to Ethan hoping Emily wouldn't hear.

"What do you think we should do?" Ethan asked looking towards Emily then back to Zoey.

"I have no idea," Zoey replied looking at Emily with a sad look on her face.

After their quick discussion they sat down on the floor and waited the blood fit out. Once Emily was done she lifted her head and ran to the shower to wash herself of the blood, being careful of her leg.

She let out a breath that she hadn't realized she was holding in once she felt the hot water, it was like it was calming her down. She smiled into the water but it quickly faded when she remembered that she needed to clean blood off of her body. When she was all clean she got out and wrapped a towel around her, she didn't have any clothes that weren't covered in blood, she sighed a towel would have to do until she could ask Ethan to borrow some clothes.

When she got downstairs she almost dropped her towel, in the middle of the floor she saw her two friends covered from head to toe in blood and cut wounds all over them, she was about to scream when she felt a knife go against her throat, her eyes bulged. At that point she had forgotten about her towel and started to fight back it was only when she heard the familiar laugh of her father that she stopped dead in her tracks.

Only then was when Emily realized how nice the walls and ceiling looked, they had a nice blue tinge to it. The ceiling had a nice chandelier in the center , jewels dangling off of it.

"Oooh, I see she doesn't like to fight me," she could feel his smile from the back of her head, her body shook in frustration, she was sick of her father ruining her life. She could feel the knife slowly getting lower , away from her neck, she took that chance to try to escape her fathers hold.

She kicked him backwards making the knife dug into her shoulder but she didn't care about that, she pushed him towards the ground, letting all her anger out on him.

She wanted to grab a knife or something that could harm her father, but she couldn't grab the knife from his hand and she couldn't run into the kitchen to grab one and let him get away.

"How's your leg?" he smirked making her anger worse.

"It would be ok if you didn't shoot it," she punched him in the face, not as hard as he would when he got up but she punched him hard enough.

He sucked in some air but nothing else like she had expected him to do.After he did nothing she decided to keep punching and kicking him anything.

She didn't stop until it looked like he was passed out. She breathed a sigh of relief. After she was finished with Jake she grabbed her towel and rushed over to her friends which were lying in a huge pool of their blood.

"Guys!" Emily yelled, she dropped to her knees, her friends still looked alive, which was a good sign. They groaned in response. She rushed over to the phone and called 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Um, m-my friends are badly injured, they have lots of cuts from a knife on th-there body and have lost blood,"

"And what's the address?"

"Um, I don't know I'm sorry. It's my friends house, we just got here and-"

"Ok, it's ok, we are on our way,"

"Um ok,"

"Why don't you go wait outside once you can hear the sirens you can hang up, ok?"

"Ok," Emily shivered as she walked outside, it wasn't like it was cold outside, it was warm. She just didn't like the idea to leave her father with her friends in the same house after what he had already done.

She hung up right as the ambulance reached the house. She brought them inside and showed them Zoey and Ethan. She looked to where she left her father and she couldn't find him anywhere. 'Oh, No," she muttered.

"Um, can I search the house to see if anyone is here?" she asked one of the doctors.

"Yeah you can, be careful though,"

And just like that she was in the house not knowing where her father is and not knowing where Steph's grandma got off too.

Emily searched the house and she couldn't find her father anywhere, so she returned to the ambulance and waited outside for the doctors to be done.

"Can I come with you to the hospital?" Emily asked not wanting to stay at Ethan's house any longer.

"Yeah if you're fine with riding in an ambulance,"

"Yeah I'm definitely fine with riding in an ambulance,"

"Well then hop in,"

The trip in the ambulance was peaceful compared to the hospital but what would you expect.

After Zoey and Ethan got all bandaged up and set home with Emily they had a lot to talk about.

"So, when I was in the shower when did my dad show up?"

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