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"Ok who has the best handwriting?" Emily asked with a sigh, she herself had pretty good handwriting, but she didn't really know about her friends.

"To be honest Emily, I think you do," Zoey replied

"yeah ," Ethan agreed,

"Ok, so who is going to search up the stuff on the computer?"

"I guess I will," Zoey said raising her hand slightly as if she were in school.\

"Ok, Ethan why don't you go get one of your sketch/notebooks and take some notes and sketches,"


Ethan ran upstairs to his room, he loved the way his house looked from the inside, when he got to his room he smelled the air, he loved to have his window open in the summer but then he thought of what was happening outside and he didn't really want to open the window. So he did what he was asked to do, he lifted up a floorboard near his bed and grabbed a sketchbook and a notebook. The last time he had counted was over 2 years ago but he knew that he had 50 then, he wondered how many he had then, he made a mental note to count them the next time he gets a chance.

When he returned downstairs the two girls were huddled around the computer, it looked like they were reading an article about hallucinations

He put his two books down and looked at the screen, he was wrong they were reading a news article about how cannibalism and massive fires have been in the area and how the people should lock their doors in case anything happens.

"Oh hey Ethan!" Emily said, she sounded cheery but he had known her long enough that she wasn't cheery at all.

He sat behind the two girls, the pictures were graphic, the article was graphic. After they finished reading that article they moved on to another, it seemed like it would never end, after the 20th article about the killings the creatures the craziness out on the streets. They had come up with something for their plan.

He heard Emily make a noise that sounded like a sigh before she started to write. In 30 minutes Emily had stopped writing and she was looking down, thinking. Ethan came up to her and sat beside her, he looked down at the papers, the whole thing was a mess of different ideas and solutions. Emily had always been one with an active imagination.

"Hey Zoey, Come here!"

"Ok, Em,"

"Woah! That's a lot of information," Zoey said in awe

"I know and from that I think I've made a-"

A loud knocking was coming from the newly fixed front door, knocking sounded harsh it didn't sound like it was Jake or Noah's knocking. Everyone went silent, they didn't want whoever was at the door to know that anyone was in the house. Emily felt a shiver crawl down her spine, she didn't have a very good feeling about the person knocking on the door.

"What should we do?" Zoey whispered to her friends\

"I have an idea!" Emily whispered

She grabbed a new sheet of paper and started writing a note

"We can talk to each other by making notes," it read

She gave Zoey and Ethan each a piece of paper and a pen. The knocking didn't seem to stop, it sounded as if the person wouldn't stop until they broke the door down.

"Here's my plan, 1) kill my father 2) get Steph safe 3) getting Steph's grandma killed and 4) somehow restoring our village back to the way it was." the next note read, Emily showed it to her friends right as the knocking stopped.

She thought that seemed weird but compared to what she had been through lately.

"It's a nice plan," Zoey whispered, she didn't know if she should raise her voice higher than a whisper. They didn't even know if the person that was knocking was even gone.

Emily got up and walked to the front door, she put her ear to the door and listened she didn't hear a sound. She walked back to her friends and reported back to them "I think it's good for us to talk but try to talk quieter than normal,"

"Okay, as I was saying I like your plan, it seems easy enough compared to the things we've had to do in the past couple of years," Zoey said laying on the floor.

"Yeah that was what I was thinking too," Ethan agreed looking down at Zoey.

Emily flopped down, she was tired, it had been a hard day, all she really wanted to do was sleep. She didn't care if it were on the floor, the couch, or the bed she knew that she needed sleep.

"Hey why don't we call it in for the night?" Emily said with a yawn.

"Yeah ok, I can agree with you, saving the world is pretty tiring,"

They all had a good laugh, it was nice for the 3 of them to at least have some more joy in their already sucky day. 

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