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The faceless chased Ethan and had scratched him enough to leave a huge scar.

"Ethan!" Zoey yelled as she ran towards him.

"Are you ok?!" Zach yelled as he ran towards Ethan.

"I think so," Ethan said with a grunt

"He needs to get to a hospital," Emily said examining him

"None of them would be open!" Zoey practically screamed.

"What about the faceless, did it leave?" Ethan said through grunts of pain.

"Wait you didn't see it leave?" Emily yelled.

"No I didn't," he said through more grunts

A sudden gust of wind interrupted their conversation. Emily turned her head just in time to see another creature come out from the darkness.

"Guy's," she said her voice filled with worry.

"Yeah?" they responded.

They turned around to see a whole group of the faceless creatures coming towards them. These ones were different from the one Ethan saw though, they looked more powerful. It could have been their body's that radiated power but the friends weren't there long enough to find out.

Emily had grabbed Ethan's body. They all ran full-fledged towards the door to the supermarket praying that there was a lock. Emily and Ethan reached the door first, then Zoey, Lilly, Zach, and finally Josh. It turned out that there wasn't a lock,

"Get all the furniture you can find and pile it against any door to the outside you can find," Emily shouted.

The group of friends separated. Emily brought Ethan to the medical department with the bandages of all sorts. She had almost wrapped it when a scream rang out.

"Is everyone ok?" Emily yelled out into the supermarket.

"No!" Lilly yelled in what seemed like pain.

"Where are you?" she asked

"By the freezers," Lilly said, sounding like she was almost crying.

"Is it okay if I leave you here?" Emily asked

"Yeah," he said

Emily ran over to the freezers as fast as her legs could carry her. When she saw Lilly she broke down in tears. "LILLY!" she yelled. Hot tears trickled down her face.

Lilly smiled "I love you." she said,

"No you're not doing this, you're saying it like you're saying it's goodbye, it's not," Emily said grabbing Lilly's hand.

Now with two people wounded their journey would have to slow down significantly. "Wait, what happened?" Emily asked

Lilly took a deep breath and said "a faceless just came after me, then it looked like it called four more to its side, they ganged up on me," Lilly broke down in tears.

"I love you, Lilly," Emily said accepting that Lilly probably wasn't going to make it.

"Love you too," she said through tears of her pain.

Emily stood by Lilly's side until her last breath, "Come on Em, we should check on Ethan," Zach had said

Emily was too covered in grief that she refused to speak or do anything but sit at Lilly's side and cry. "You can," she said in a hoarse voice.

"Okay, I'll tell him the news," Zach said heading towards the place where Emily left Ethan.

When Zach reached Ethan, Ethan was standing up getting ready to walk towards where Emily went. "Hey dude, I've got something to tell you," Zach had said.

"Hi, what's that?"

"Umm, Lilly's dead," after Zach had said it, reality kicked in and he broke into tears.

"What!" Ethan shouted, starting to break down too.

For awhile the two guys just sat there crying their hearts out.

When they reached where Lilly's body was Ethan broke again, rushing over to Lilly and Emily.

Emily looked up and said "Where's Zoey and Josh,"

The group looked around, it sounded like no one else was there except them.

"ZOEY!" they yelled "JOSH!"

"We're alive!" they could hear Zoey say from somewhere close by.

"Where are you?" Ethan asked.

"The food section," Josh said

"Emily's coming." Zach said, "Right Em?"

"Yeah I guess," she said regaining her old self by the minute.

Emily got up, she stretched her legs making sure they still worked. When she got to the food section she looked around, searching for her two friends. "Over here," Zoey said

Emily turned her head in the direction of Zoey's voice. It was a faceless it looked at her and waved its hand that was covered in blood.

Emily gulped and ran. "IT'S CHASING ME," she yelled out across the store hoping her friends could hear her pleas of help.

Zach's head perked up, he had heard Emily scream. "Guy's Emily's in trouble!"

Everyone stood up, they ran to the food section, a trail of blood. They followed it into a corner. A faceless had cornered Emily. Her face was full of fear and the faceless seemed to enjoy that.

Zach ran at the faceless, which caught it off guard letting a chance for Emily to escape. She ran to the kitchen section. Hoping a sharp knife was there and that Zach could stall the creature for long enough.

When she had found a knife she ran back quickly opening the package and stabbing the faceless. Black blood splattered everywhere, it was dead. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief except for Emily. She couldn't keep her active mind away from the thought of how did the faceless get into the supermarket.

Then her thoughts turned back to Zoey and Josh. "Hey." she said, "have any of you seen Zoey or Josh since I left?".

"No," they all said.

"What happened to them?" Emily gulped.

"Josh are you ok?" Zoey asked as she tried to wiggle out of her hiding spot.

"Yeah," he said with a manly grunt.

"We should probably try and find the others, they must be worried," she said finally getting out from under one of the rather tall shelves. Zoey helped Josh and they looked around, it looked like a war zone.

"What happened?" Zoey thought as she wandered around what was left of the cookie aisle.

"EMILY, ETHAN, ZACH, LILLY," the two friends screamed into the supermarket.

"ZOEY, JOSH!" the others screamed from somewhere far away.

"WE'RE COMING," Josh yelled.

After about thirty minutes they had found each other again. Emily pulled all of them into a big group hug. Zoey pulled away and looked at the faces around her "Where's Lilly?" she asked.

Emily broke down in tears as Ethan tried but failing tried to soothe her.

"What's wrong?" Zoey said with a little worry creeping into her voice.

"Lilly's dead," Zach said, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Zoey froze in shock she broke into tears. Josh just stood their, frozen. Zoey was the only one to know that his crush was Lilly. Josh let out a wail and flung himself to the ground.

"Shhhhh, Josh it's alright," Ethan said still attempting to soothe the pain all of them felt.

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