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"I'm sorry if I scared you I wasn't expecting the person to jump me,"

"Let's just say no more alone time out in the open," Zoey said giving Zach a quick hug.

And once again they were off to the edge of the forest, no more distractions. When they reached the edge of the forest, it had turned dark, nobody really felt safe sleeping out in the open so they decided to go and find a close by building.

The one they stumbled up apon looked really nice, lik if you were rich enough you could live in the house but if you weren't rich then say goodbye to this house.

When they went in, it was definitely for the rich, old artifacts to the left, nice furniture to the right, it was like your dream house, except it wasn't. Little did they know that a group of survivors lived in the basement, but these weren't like other survivors, they wanted to help kill the humans it was strange but they wanted to form a truce with the faceless if they could kill all the other survivors.

The whole group slept in one little room not wanting to take any chances. In the morning they felt refreshed but not enough for what was ahead of them. Zoey was the first to akake, she seemed like she always was the first one to wake up. She decided to take this chance to take a look through Ethan's sketchbook and notebook, wanting to see any similarities between Steph and the old woman.

When she opened the sketchbook she had no idea that some of the sketches were in their, they were so graphic, including one of them having Emily dismembered limb for limb. She made a mental note to ask Ethan about it later.

After a couple of hours the rest of the group woke up. They got out of the house and they looked towards the forest and saw that the faceless had disappeared with the old lady.

Steph let out a shaky sigh, she really wanted to save her grandma. She looked towards the trees again and saw nothing but trees. She really didn't want to go walking in that forest since her last experience, but little did she know that this time it would be a lot worse.

"What are we going to do?" Zoey said thinking out loud.

"I don't know, do you think they went in the forest since we found out about them?" Ethan asked

"That could be a possibility," Zoey said thoughtfully.

"So we look through the forest and then come back if their not in their," Zach said looking slightly confused.

"We could do that, but I think the smartest thing to do would be to check around the city, you know the hassle it is to walk in that forest," Zoey said raising her right arm to point at the forest.

"Good point," Zach said, looking as ready as if he were about to leave.

"So it's settled then," Zoey said looking as if she were also ready to leave

"Are we going know?" Steph asked looking back towards the forest

"Yeah, you ready?" Ethan asked her

"As ready as I'll ever be," Steph said with a huge sigh, as she looked towards her friends.

They walked all throughout town, not splitting up at the slightest, and just as Zach had suspected they didn't come back into town because what would be the point of that, they went farther into the forest and they were running out of time to save the woman's life.

"Guys they are not in the village they are in the forest, can't you see that, we've been looking for hours and haven't seen a single one, does that mean anything to you, someone's life is on the line!" Zach yelled

"How do you know for sure?" Zoey yelled back

"Because we haven't seen one since last night and that was at the edge of the forest, it would only make sense if they retreated farther back into the forest because they are the most powerful their, and they need that power because they want that woman and we are going to get her out," Zach yelled back, by now he was getting really out of breath from yelling, which seemed strange because that normally never happened, but then again nothing normal happened anymore.

"Ok then we will vote, anyone who wants to stay and look around the city raise your hand," Zoey looked around nobody wanted to stay, they all seen the importance of this that she had just brushed over. "Ok then, it's settled we will head towards the forest right away," Zoey said.

They walked to the edge of the forest in a short amount of time, when they reached the edge it was like the power could touch you, pull you in and spin you in a web of lies. All of their breathing quickened as they all felt the power, it was something they all wanted but couldn't get, like a sick game.

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