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She let out a shaky breath and said "yes,"

"Well since you don't have the greatest temper, we need to sort some things through and if you refuse..." he pressed a knife against her arm, and sliced. Letting the blood flow out of her new cut.

"Ok!" she gulped, she wished that she had never become friends with Emily, then she wouldn't have to go through what she has gone through, but then again Emily was her first true friend and than later her friends became Steph's.

"Now for the fun," Jake grinned evilly, even in the dimly lit room, she could see his creepy smile and that was something she felt like she could never get away from.

She heard him slam a door shut but didn't pay much attention to it, she was more focused on how she could stop the bleeding in her arm.

"I wonder where Steph went?" Zoey asked her friends looking around, in any signs of Jake or Steph, but none were to be seen. Then out of nowhere they hear a door slamming shut and Jake walking out.

"Now time for the fun to begin!" his laugh was torture to their ears, but even then they forced themselves to not cover their ears. Little did they realize that ,that wa only the beginning of their torture.

He brought a group of friends into the backyard of the house. It was huge, only it didn't look like any normal looking backyard. It was all cement. Zoey looked over towards Jake, he pressed a button that was almost identical to the ground. That's when the ground gave a little shake and started to get lower and lower. Jake pushed the group of friends the newly formed hole of cement, leaving only a couple of bruises.he jumped down into the hole, pulling a lever on his way down a bunch of weapons sprung out of one of the walls.

He looked them over, like he was carefully picking one, one that fit the job. He picked up the knife, it seemed to the group that it was his go to weapon, but it was only Emily that knew it was the axe.

He teased them with the knife for abit, careful to not hurt them badly just then. He would wait for later to do that. He knew he had an axe waiting for him in the cement walls, he was going to save that for last.

He could see the most fear in Zoey, the more that he thought about her the more he it reminded him of his daughter. But he couldn't think about that, not when he's about to torture her until she wished she had never been born.

He started with Zoey. he wanted to get it over with, he carefully sliced down the middle of her shirt, revealing a long scar on her stomach. He wondered where she got it from, but then again it was probably from him.

He then grabbed the leg of her jeans and starting from the bottom cutting it all the way up until the waist, she was then left shaking, not because she was cold but since she was terrified of what he was going to do to her.

Even though she wished it could have been because she was cold, even though she knew that it wasn't possible a, because it was a nice warm day and b, Jake was terrifying himself.

Jake then sat and watched her, watching her squirm in fear. He had forgotten the way someone squirms in fear had made him feel, it made him feel joyous, like he could do anything in the world.

What Zoey saw in Jake's eyes was horrifying, she saw joyfulness. It made her want to puke on the spot which she had almost done if it wasn't for Jake calling out to her by her name, trying to get her attention.

She looked up into his sick eyes, "what," she said, her voice barely audible, like a whisper.

"Aww poor baby," he stroked her head, even though she tried to pull back, "don't you like our fun?"

Zoey didn't want to respond, she didn't know how she could respond. Different possibilities flushed through her head, if I said yes then maybe he would do it more, if I said no, he would do it harder. She just didn't know anymore, so all she did was stare at him.

He then looked towards Ethan, Zoey only felt relief for a second. She wanted to help Ethan, she needed to help him. Or that's what she kept telling herself.

"Hey Jake," a tear slipped down her cheek, "just leave them alone, you can take me. I know all you ever wanted were girls, so leave them alone!"

His gaze went back to her, sizing her up, taking in every inch of her body.

"Fine, but only if you let me do whatever I want to do to you, without you pushing away or anything like that," he offered his hand out "deal?"

Zoey looked over at her friends, tears flowing down her face, she moves her hand into his, "deal," she says not being able to control her voice from shaking, her hand still shaking as he lets it go with his creepy smile returning to his face. His eyes never leaving her body.

Zoey saw Jake go over to the wall, he pressed a button and a whole another shelf of weapons came out. She noticed his gaze lingering on the axe, she had a sinking feeling in her stomach, at that moment she knew that what she had signed up for wasn't going to be good. 

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