Day one went and flew by, the group of friends had almost forgotten the tiredness of walking for hours on end, almost.

"How did I practically forget how long and hard walking is?" Ethan said with a sigh

"I don't know but you need to ready yourself because we've got a lot more walking to do," Emily said sitting down, readying herself to go to bed.

That night Emily had a horrible sleep she tossed and turned but she couldn't help but think about the dream she had. She was in a dark room, away from the forest and she heard someone whimper from the corner of the room she looked over and saw to people a male and a female both tied up and duct tape over their mouths.

These were the people on the piece of paper she just knew it, somehow a knife magically grew into her hand, in her dream she was meant to kill them, stop this crazy mess, but even her dream self didn't know if she could actually do it.

But just like that she swung the knife into the female's body, blood squirting everywhere, then the male not as much blood but still enough to cover dream Emily in blood. That's when Emily woke up, sweat instead of blood rolling down her face. Her breathing was heavy, her palms were shaking, it was as if she just walked out of a very realistic haunted house and was scared for her life. It still was dark out and no way was Emily going back to sleep after that way to realistic dream.

After the rest of her friends woke up she wanted to get up and out of that place as quickly as she could. To Emily it seemed that she was rushing them for no known reason, but to her she was rushing them because she was developing a very bad feeling about the place.

"Hey is everything alright?" Zach had asked with a worried glance directed at Emily

"Yeah, I just had a bad dream that's all," Emily responding letting her gaze drop to the ground.

Zach came up from behind Emily and put his arm around her, trying to calm her down, convince her that it was safe, "Was it wolves?" he asked in a low whisper.

"No, it was me killing to people in a dark room, I think I'm the one who has to do it Zach," she whispered back worry returning in her eyes,

"No you don't have to, it's all fine, if it comes to it I will," he had said comforting her.

For the rest of the trek through the forest it was Zach comforting Emily, who was from the beginning upset but as the sun slowly started to set she became much more.

When night finally came Emily was terrified and she didn't even know why, it could be for the fact that she didn't want to dream about her killing people or just a unknown reason. When she calmed herself down enough to go to sleep, she only felt comfortable to sleep with someone in hopes that it would fend away the dreams, Zach had ended up sleeping with her, she felt safe in his arms he gave off heat that she needed and the safeness of his embrace that she longed for from her father ever since she was a kid.

When she woke up that next morning she was feeling better than she had felt in days and that was saying something. Maybe it was the sleep that she had got that night or maybe her wound had healed a tiny bit more, she didn't know.

Over the course of the next few days and as they got closer to their goal, Emily felt better and better, she even felt fine about killing the people, she didn't know what changed in her but something did.

When the day that the group of friends finally made it out of the forest they were overjoyed, but that didn't last long because with all the stuff about making it out of the forest ha distracted them from the faceless, they all had completely forgot about how they needed to cross them to get back to their home.

Only this time there were more, hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of them stood their blocking their way to safety. Emily's mouth flew open in shock, the rest of them just froze.

Then Emily spotted her, Lilly. She was leading the group of faceless. It would have to be leader against leader if they wanted to make it out alive, the only problem being that Lilly had a army.

Emily's breathing started to get heavy, her heart pounded in her chest, but she knew what she had to do and that force was what was driving her forwards, even if she got hurt or even killed, she had to do what was right and save the world. But even though she knew what she had to do one thought still lingered, if she killed Lilly again then would her army come attack them.

She charged her friends behind her straight through the faceless, running. She knew where they had to run but she didn't know if she could make it with hundreds and hundreds of creatures after her, but she did know one thing, not to loose hope and it was radiating off her.

They ran and ran and ran even if it was burning, their life was on the line and the world, they needed to do it, they needed to, and they would stop at nothing to accomplish it.

Then she found it, house number 29, it looked like some people were home. Who were they kidding why would anyone be outside. Emily knocked hoping they would answer before the faceless caught up, they were no match for the speed that Emily had, she even left her friends behind they didn't care all that mattered was the safety of their world and of themselves.

The door opened, a female had answered it, her hair long brown and pretty blue eyes looking down at Emily, reasonably tall, her eyes showed distrust but deep down in her heart she knew that she would let the girl in, even if it took a turn for the worse, so that's what she did she let Emily in, not knowing that she was the last person that she would ever see.

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