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"The only problem is that I don't know what I hallucinated about," Zoey said, straining her brain to try to remember.

And then a flow of hallucinations begun, later to be forgotten, they involved countless ways of each other dying, and more graphic images that nobody would really want to see. As like the forest after the fit of hallucinations they all ended up on the ground, some curled up some spread out, they were really just glad that the hallucinations were over.

"This is getting weird," Zoey said looking around the room, "and it's not like we're close to the forest or anything!"

"It's because we are gaining power," Emily said like she was in a trance, "they don't like that we are figuring out things about them so they will try to punish and destroy us,"

Emily fell to the ground once more, she covered her mouth, but that was no use blood started pouring out of her mouth, she looked up to her friends in fear. Blood had soaked her clothes, she was surprised she was still alive. It stopped.

The rest of the groups mouths hung wide open, but then they weren't in the little bunker anymore, they were in the forest, fear was glinting off of Emily's eyes as she looked around, the things knew she didn't want to be their, and they were torturing her for it.

She stumbled it was the metal box she gasped, she tried desperately to hide it, take it away but it was no use, Zoey took it and right as she opened it they dropped about 50 feet or what felt like it and just like that they were back in the bunker safe and sound. At that point fear was in everyone's eyes, "nothing is what it seems," Emily said going back to the trance like state, "I tried to warn you but you wouldn't listen,"

Boom, a crash went off and Emily's eyes and ears started to bleed, much more heavy. She couldn't open her eyes or she would soak the floor, she couldn't take it, soon she would bleed from anywhere the force could fine. It was like it was punishing her for doing something even though she didn't what that was.

"Why is this happening to me?" Emily asked herself thinking was almost to hard.

And once again it had stopped, Emily was glad she could cry again "what is happening to me?" she sobbed, at this point she was completely covered in blood but she didn't care all she wanted was some peace, that was all.

"I think we should go off course and try to find out what's going on," Zoey remarked bending down to see if Emily was ok, well everyone knew she wasn't ok ok but she wanted to know if she was ok as she could be.

"Ethan grab your pencil, I want you to draw what happened and then write some notes,"

"Okay," he replied fetching for his notebook.

"Ok, lets recap what happened, first she started to bleed from her mouth, then her eyes and ears, then just really everywhere, and we have no cause to what this could be,"

Just as Zoey was about to say something it started again, except with both of them, then soon it was the whole group, after the blood started to come from his eyes he finally quit trying to draw and write what was going on. Everyone was scared for their life in that room even though it was the safest place. By the end of it, it looked like many people had just been murdered and dragged around the room.

Everyone felt sick light headed and drained, all of them kept asking what happened, and if it could have been a hallucination even though they knew it wasn't one. It was like a loud banging was going on in everyone's head before they all passed out, for no reason whatsoever.

After that horrid night they came to a conclusion to where the sickness could have came from, the faceless blood. They did evolve so it could make sense if it was their blood that made them sick. Emily shot the things and got the blood all over her, they crowded around her and must have touched her a tiny bit not getting any blood, but when she was finished with her little fit, they all at some point touched the blood that was coming from her, so that wasn't her blood, it was the faceless. That also explains of how none of them died from the blood loss.

The Faceless ForestWhere stories live. Discover now