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"What is it?" she asked looking back at Zoey.

"We should study the faceless and the world it's leaving behind," she said.

"That's a good idea!" Emily said, "who's grabbing the notebooks and pens?"

"I will!" Ethan said running around looking for the supplies.

And so they did. Emily slowly walked outside making sure it was safe to come out, which it was, unlike yesterday the village had gotten significantly different, fires had started, dead bodies in piles everywhere and not another person to be seen.

Ethan was in charge of the norebooks, since he liked to draw he got to draw what they have seen outside, including the dead bodies. Right in the middle of when Ethan was drawing, a faceless creature came out of nowhere.

Ethan decided it would be a good idea if he made a quick note of what it had looked including the new features it seemed to have.

"Ethan what are you doing, you have to get out of here!" Emily shouted at him from the distance, he hadn't realized he was in a trance until he got out of it.

He looked up and he almost fell backwards a faceless was a inch away from his face, he almost dropped the notebook but he didn't. And he ran, the faceless close behind him.

"Guys, run don't wait for me, and take the notebook!" Ethan yelled as he flung the notebook into the air.

"This must be the one that failed to kill me before," he thought as he stopped and dropped to the ground making it trip over him and fall.

Ethan's hands searched n the backpacks for a knife, it would be the easiest thing, he came across something but it didn't feel like a knife, he pulled it out anyways revealing a scalpel. A smile spread across his face maybe he was going to get out of this alive. He stabbed the faceless, again and again and again, until he was covered in the black blood and he knew that it was dead, he didn't want this dead thing to come back to life anytime soon.

After he killed the faceless he put the scalpel back more calmly and started to call the groups names, after some time they found each other again, tears were rolling own his face wiping away some of the blood, tears were everywhere. Even though they had found each other again they couldn't stop their moving if they wanted to stay alive.

They walked around a bit more taking notes and drawing pictures and diagrams along the way and once again they came back to the same dilemma as the night before, where were they going to stay for the night?

Some of them wanted to go back to the hospital and some didn't so nobody really knew what to do.

"Why don't we just go back to that gas station, didn't you think it was safe?" Emily said, she was tired and she just wanted to sleep she didn't really care where.

"Sure let's go, I think it's on our way," Zoey said pointing forwards

"Ok then it's settled," Emily said

They started walking as each minute passed the group got more and more tired of walking around, they hadn't been used to walking as much as when they had to in the forest, but they were making it.

After what seemed like forever they finally made it to the gas station with big sighs of relief they all climbed down into the little bunker and settled in for the night and unknown to them many nights more. What surprised Emily the most about being down their was the sense of security that was felt by her being near people she loved and cared for, she really concerned about becoming best friends with them once again, after the whole thing was sorted out.

The only problem was that she was a part of what had happened she would have to die unless their were some other strange way to save the small village. The temptation had worn off and know she was in world saver mode she needed to save her village a second time before it got out of hand as it did before, all she needed to do was find someone or something to help her stop the crazy world she had just made without her dying for it.

A idea came to her during the night, she would search around and say she was looking for survivors but in reality she was looking for people and things that could help save her life, all she needed to do know was make sure that Steph didn't and won't say anything about their journey into the woods, she didn't even know if Steph remembered anything, but still she had to take care of that problem before she thinks of trying to do something that would save herself.

In the morning the group felt well rested, they had had a good sleep in that little bunker, it made them feel safe and like it was a normal world outside even though it wasn't, it didn't hurt to pretend.

Emily wanted to carry out her plan but she didn't know how she would get Steph alone without anyone their and at a safe place. The only safe place that they know of would be that bunker and people were their so it wouldn't do much good to talk to Steph their.

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