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 "LILLY!" Emily screamed, she turned around anger growing in her eyes.

"Well you killed one of my kind and now you are going to pay," Lilly raised her claws ready to bring them down onto her old friend's face but something stopped her. It was her humanity, she saw her friends faces look of fear she didn't want to but she knew that the creatures that she was leading were waiting on her.

Emily took this as a good moment, she mustered up some courage and grabbed a knife from one of the backpacks. She took a deep breath a swung the knife, it missed Lily by an inch. She swung again this time nipping the top of her head. Lilly realized that her friend was attacking her so she to turned on the attack switch, she raised her claws above her head, bring them down and just barely missing Emily.

Emily gulped she missed Lilly again, she let out a frustrated breath.

"You're going to have to try harder if you want to kill me," Lilly said cackling.

Anger engulfed Emily she had only one mission that she wouldn't rest until she completed. Lilly brought her claw down scratching the side of Emily's face, Emily let out a pained yelp a single tear rolled down her face. She looked down and saw the knife in her hand she knew what she needed to do but she didn't know if she could take on her friend anymore.

She tightened her grip on the knife until her knuckles turned white, she let out a long deep breath, quickly stabbing Lilly, catching her by surprise. Blood came flowing out of Lilly. The group wanted to be happy but really it was a whole other problem, they had just seen their friend die for the second time but it wasn't like they could call her their friend and she had a whole army of little minion creatures that could attack at any time which was quite unsettling. If only life was easy.

"Ok, now that we are done in here we should get out now," Emily said holding the side of her face which was covered in blood.

"Yeah I agree we're done in here," Zach said

They started to run and of the forest as fast as they could, they were done with the dreaded forest and they hoped that they wouldn't have to go into the forest ever again in their lifetime.

At one point Emily had almost stumbled over a twig that was laid out perfectly in front of their pathway that they were running so intensely on.

After 10 minutes they stopped to take a breather, Zoey looked around at her surroundings she wanted to make sure that they were safe, nobody was following them. She wanted to feel safe so badly, but in a world like that one nobody could feel safe, not even if you were locked up in a secure room, you would feel eyes on the back of your head.

Suddenly Zoey fell towards the ground, passing out. As she fell Emily could swear she could someone's head scurry back into the darkness.

"DAD?" she asked into the darkness even though she knew it would be him, why else would one of her friends be knocked out cold at random times?

She heard a bang as a bullet passed beside her head, she covered her face and head with her arms, blocking the outside view. She didn't want to be there she wanted to be at home cuddling in a big ball of blankets.

After what seemed like 10 minutes she lifted her head and everyone was gone, she was alone. She felt for the bottles that her friends had given her for safekeeping, she didn't want to know what her father would have done if he had gotten his hands on them.

She knew what she had to do, she had to complete the thing she had started, her father knew about what she had done, so he had left it up to her to figure it out of how to save the world as they know it.

She slowly walks back to the entrance of the forest, taking in her surroundings, she doesn't want to miss a single thing. She walks and walks and walks it seems like she's walking forever, which she's not.

When she finally reaches the entrance of the forest she breathes a sigh of relief, one step closer to saving the world.

She wants to close her eyes and cry, let out all her emotions in one sitting, but she couldn't. She had a world to save.

She retraces her steps to the old looking cabin where Steph's grandma was left. She opens the door and it creaks, she looks towards the corner where they had left Steph's grandma and she was gone. "Oh no," she says thinking out loud.

"Well I guess I will have to figure this one out on my own then," she said with a shrug.

She walked out the door, feeling less confident that she was completely alone, but why would that stop her? She looked around at her surroundings, she wondered how she was going to go about it, how would she be able to get all of the faceless creatures in one area then mix the blood and the poison together splash iot on them and then save the world.

Then a idea came to her she would find the circle when they had honored the dead put Lily's body their and wait, she would put it all on the outside of the circle so they would step in it and would shrivel up and die. She takes 4 more deep breaths in and then lets them out. She's as ready as she will ever be.

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