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"What do you mean," Ethan asked Steph, he also had turned pale, he looked rather sick.

"I think that's a sign, I think its someone I know. I think we need to save her," Steph said, a bit of color returning back to her face.

"Ok," Ethan replied, he still looked really ill, and that was when the blood started pouring out of his mouth, gallons, and gallons of blood, then his eyes but that was it. The group crowded around him, patting his back and other things, trying to make him feel better. It took him 2 full hours for him to stop puking and by then a huge pile of blood had formatted around him and the playground.

"Guys, I don't feel to good," ethan said before puking again, but he could stop this time.

"I think he's getting sick, like I mean no one else have puked blood since we've been out here," Zach said looking around the group.

"Actually I have," Steph said looking up, "If Ethan's getting sick then I would be too,"

"Really, that's weird, has anybody else been puking blood that I should know about," Zach said looking around again, but this time more hostility in his voice.

"No, and you don't have to be so rude about it," Zoey piped in her eyes looking like daggers.

"Why don't you shut up!" he yelled at Zoey, looking like he was ready to slap her, or worse.

"Why don't we just all leave each other alone and have some alone time," Steph yelled over the chaos.

"Fine," Zach said with anger, he stormed off and nobody decided to follow him because it would probably lead to more fighting and somebody getting hurt.

"What are we going to do if we find out that he's dead and that's all our fault because we didn't go after him?" Steph asked, she really didn't want to deal with even more death then she already had to deal with.

"What should we do to pass the time?" Ethan asked putting his sketch and notebook away.

"We could try and find the person that you drew, but we would be able to work better with Zach," Zoey said thoughtfully.

"Yeah that's true, but we also don't know how much time she has left and if we put it off for too long then she could be dead by the time we get there." Steph added, trying to hide the fact that she really wanted to get that mission started.

"Ok, if you say so," Zoey said looking back at the direction where Zach ran off to, "I just hope it goes well this time," she thought looking up into the greying sky, for mid-September it looked like it was about to rain.

They walked and walked and walked, to Zoey it reminded her of the old days where they had to walk to save the world, that was like what was happening even though they didn't know it yet.

As they continued to walk the sky got darker, and so did the clouds, it definitely looked like it was going to rain. Zoey hoped it would hold off, she didn't really want to be saving people in pouring rain but what you gotta do you gotta do.

Once they got to the edge of the forest, it started to drizzle, not enough to soak the group but enough to cool them off, which felt nice for the first while but soon after they were wrapping their sweaters around their bodys. 

What Zoey noticed was that the faceless looked quite different from the last time she had seen any of them, their eyes seemed to grow and it also seems that their claws had gotten extra sharp. It just seemed weird from what they were used too, well they were used to them having no eyes and only a mouth but know they had much more facial features than before.

When they heard a scream from what they thought was Zach, they quickly turned their head towards the sound, fear fleshing out nightmares.

"Is that?"


They rushed towards the sound completely forgetting about the creatures, they searched for Zach, to no avail. When they finally found him he was being cornered by a man in a black hoodie with a knife in hand. The group quietly snuck up behind him and tackled him to the ground, he swiftly got up and bolted away.

"Hey Zach are you alright?" Zoey asked rubbing his back.

"Yeah, I think I am," he said standing up.

"You gave us a real scare, or me at least," Ethan said patting his back.

Now with everything back in order their thoughts got back to the forest, they needed to rescue the old woman, and the group had a feeling that Steph wasn't telling the something really important.

The Faceless ForestOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora