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"Wait!" Emily yelled a perfect idea had formed in her head

"What!" her friends asked

"We should go on the laptop and watch some funny videos to have a good laugh,"

And just like that the sparkle that had been missing from each of their eyes was back. They watched some videos for about 30 minutes, loving it the entire time. After that they all finally decided to go to bed and fall asleep, letting their problems fade into the tomorrow.

When they woke up, they felt refreshed. Ethan yawned as he sat up, he looked around and he was alone, it seemed as if his friends had disappeared into thin air. He looked around again making sure his friends weren't there when he was sure that they weren't, he started to get up when the room started to shake. First it was a mild shake and then it got wilder and wilder and then finally it became very violent. It felt like he was thrown to the ground by some other worldly strength.

Then from beneath him he felt little flecks of paint coming off from the walls and ceiling, he looked up and saw that the ceiling was dissolving into nothingness. He backed away and fell into nothingness.

It felt like one of those dreams where you were falling and right before you hit the ground you wake up. He shook his head and he was back in his house safe and sound with his friends and it all was just a hallucination. He grabbed one of his sketchbooks and started to draw, he was so focused that he couldn't even tell what he was drawing he just knew that it seemed important.

When he finally was done and refocused he was taken aback. It was a picture of Jake and Lilly, Lilly in her faceless form.

"Zoey! Emily!" he called, bringing them over towards where he was sitting.

"What do you think this is about?" he asked showing them his drawing,

Emily gasped and Zoey stood there frozen, they both didn't know what to say about his drawing. So they just stared at it. "What should we do," Emily asked finally being able to form words,

"Well, I think this a hint to what will happen in the future or something," Ethan said

"Well that could be true. But what if we kill Jake before that happens? That could stop the little prophecy that you just drew," Zoey added

"And if we don't stop my father then he will revive Lilly and make her his minion or something crazy like that!" Emily stated matter of factly.

"Yeah, we really need to stop Jake once and for all!" Zoey added with a smile

So they made up another plan for killing Emily's father Jake. "wait! What about my brother? He is working with Jake after all,"

"We kill them both then or at least Jake and then throw Noah in jail, where he belongs," Zoey replied with a chuckle that didn't sound very happy.

"Yeah, I can't wait until my brother gets in jail or at the most killed,"

"So what should we do? We could always go back to school since we really aren't finished with it," Zoey said,

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot about school!" Emily added

"So is that a yes that we should go to school?" Ethan asked

"I guess so," replied Zoey she said looking over to Emily and then back to Ethan.

So they went to the library and got books for school after all they went through they had forgotten what they had to do for their school work. After they went to the library they returned to Ethan's house and read up all of the work that was in their curriculum. The next day they had a good night's sleep and then they were off to school.

When they got to school they all got really strange glares from the kids. Emily was fed up after the seventh time of the glare and the talking behind their backs, she went up to the small girl and she started yelling about how much she had gone through and that the girl had hadn't. Emily heard her friends yelling for her to stop, but she was only focused on the girl.

She put all of her anger that she felt for her father and her brother into the hatred she felt for all the people who talked about them at the school.

"EMILY!" Ethan yelled, making her stop. She could feel the anger in his voice, it vibrated in the air. She let out a sigh and replied with a "ok," she heard Ethan breath a sigh of relief as he looked over her and smiled his happy smile.

Emily turned over to the now frightened girl and told her "you and all of your little friends can stay out of me and my friends business. You got that?"

"Yeah," she stumbled backwards and headed away from Emily. She was definitely scared.

"Em, you really scared that girl," Zoey whispered.

"I know but my anger took control over me, she was talking about me and you guys and how we had got kidnapped and all that to her friends," Emly looked back at the passing people in the halls. "Sometimes I can't take people in school," she could feel the anger vibrating off of her and into the air around her. She was sick and fed up of people disrespecting her and her friends.

After all she had been through not one of the many people in the hall wanted to tell them that life was going to be ok all they wanted to talk about was how she had gotten kidnapped, how she allowed herself to be kidnapped. Not one of them cared that it was a decision that would change their small village, no not one of them seemed to notice that detail.

After two minutes the bell rang signaling first hour. Emily had forgotten how long and boring class could seem. It seemed to take forever for school to be over, when the rush of students started filing out that was when the first gun shot was fired.

The Faceless ForestWhere stories live. Discover now