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"Open your eyes," the figure said, he had a husky manly voice, "It's a man," she thought before opening her eyes to a blood red axe, she gulped. She let out a long shaky breath and asked "why am I here?"

"Oh sweet girl, you will have to wait to find out," the man said with a smile as he pulled down his hood.

Once again her mouth dropped open. "Dad!" she said in disbelief, tears running down her cheeks.

He let out a chuckle, "Yes,"

"Why are you doing this to me?" she said elizing she was tied up and still had a axe against her throat.

"Well where shall I begin, when your mother died, I killed her and then I faked my death, not even evil could tell me apart from alive or dead, but when you were young I never had a chance to do this, see, all your brothers grew up to fear me, they did it for you my sweet darling, because ever since you were born I wanted you to be mine all mine," and with one quick swing of the axe boom,

She was untied and she could feel her arms again.

"Now if you do as I say, you won't be getting this to the throat, but if you don't, well you know what will happen.

She looked up to her father, she hadn't even recognized his voice or the way he looked, but her childhood had made sense, her father was always overprotective but she had never expected this, no, this was way far off from whom she suspected.

"Did you kill Josh," she asked with a sudden urge to know

"Why yes I did, why do you ask?" he said with a growing smile

"Because you shot at me!"

"But you really think I wanted too, don't you know me at all?"

"Not anymore," Emily added silently, she looked up at her father, the blue eyes that she had truste for years, the blonde hair that never stayed down, but now that's all part of the past.

"What are you going to do to me?" she asked trying to hide her fear.

He smiled a evil grin "Lot's of things sweet heart,"

Her breathing quickened, not like it wasn't already racing, she knew what kidnappers did, they tortured and raped their victims, but she hoped her father would do better, if she could pull the sympathy card, maybe hopefully he wouldn't do any of those things. But the thoughts of endless torture and rape still lingered.

She heard a knife being pulled from something, she didn't know what and she really didn't care, all she wanted to do was close her eyes forget it ever happened, but no. Her father made her keep her eyes open. She never thought of her father of the ways she thought now, in the past all she thought was if she bring him and her mother back from the dead everything would be fine, but now she was thinking of ways to bring him back to the dead, where he belonged all along. The a new thought came to her, who's in his grave?

She let out another long shaky breath, "Daddy, if you're alive then whose in your grave," she asked him like she would have when she was 5 but it seemed to work on him.

"A man you don't know, a old friend of mine," he said turning around revealing a knife in his hands,

"What are you going to do with that?"

He looked at her in a face saying that she didn't want to find out, he stepped closer and closer until their noses were almost touching. He slid the knife down her arm, leaving blood dripping down onto the floor. Her eyes screamed pain, but she didn't want to show it, it would make her father win and that was something she didn't want to happen. "Daddy," she said. He stopped cutting up her arms and put the knife in his pocket.

"Yes sweety?"

"Why are you doing this, you never used to cut me," she made a puppy dog face at him, she hated how vulnerable he made her feel, hated it.

"Because I need you to know that I'm the boss, and that's the only way I will teach you," he said looking straight into her eyes, she wanted to flinch back so badly but she didn't, she stayed strong.

"But I know you're the boss daddy,"

"So you're not going to try and escape when I let you outside?"


"Or when I show you footage of your friends?"

She gulped "No,"

"Ok then, do you want to sleep in the bed tonight?"

"What one?"

"The one you slept on last night silly," he said ruffling her hair.

Thoughts were zooming in and out of her brain, she was in the same place as she had been kidnapped, no he was lying. But when he brought her into the room she was going to be sleeping in, she knew for sure he wasn't lying, it was indeed the same room.

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