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Emily was the first one to wake, she rubbed her eyes and looked at her sleeping friends. "They look so peaceful," she thought. She scanned around for Lilly, she was watching her, she looked happy when she noticed that Emily was up.

"Hey." she said

"Morning," Emily rubbed her eyes again, it felt like something was stuck in her eyes

"Your eyes ok?" Lilly asked watching Emily rubbing her eyes

"Yeah I think so, it just feels like somethings in them," Emily said

After the rest of the friends woke up they planned to decide what they were going to do.

They walked for what felt like 30 miles but in reality only 5. "Guys this isn't long away," Lilly said trying to encourage her friends that looked like they had just come from the dead in one of those zombie movies where they make the zombies as slow as can be.

"Come on if you go any slower the dead won't even hear you."

"It's difficult." Emily said, then nobody said a word until they reached a pitstop where they could rest for the night.

Emily sighed as they laid down, "We haven't seen the stars much lately,"

"No we haven't," Zoey looked towards the sky to, all the beautiful things the world don't get to see.

They all laid down once again, after a long day of hard work and perseverance they fell asleep. That night Zoey had a dream. Once again she was in a body of what seemed to be a faceless, this time she could see. She wasn't a faceless this time she quickly realized that, she was in a body of a victim. She could feel it's pain, she was laying on her back on the forest floor.

She had a piece of paper in her hand, in her dream putting it down just felt right. So she did and looked around she was by a huge tree that had a hole in it's trunk, that was the last thing she saw before one of the faceless came up to her and ripped her face off.

Zoey awoke with a start. She grabbed a notebook from her bag and wrote the dream, she didn't know why but it just felt like it was important.

Zoey noticed that Lilly was up, she decided to go and ask her about the forest.

"When you were in the forest could you see anything?"

"Yeah for only minutes, why?"

"Did you see a huge tree with a hole in it?"

"No, but I think that's close to the other side of the forest."


"Yeah, why do you want to know?"

She asked again, Zoey wasn't going to tell her dream, it probably meant nothing." No reason, i'm just curious,"

Zoey laid back down but no way was she going to go back to sleep, she just stared up at the sunrise thinking, about things that people shouldn't have to be thinking about.

When the rest of the group got up Zoey actually felt well rested, which surprised her, she could have fallen asleep and not dreamt anything.

"Morning everyone, did you guys get a good sleep?" Emily asked

"Yeah," they all said

"THat's good, we probably have a lot of walking ahead of us today." sh replied with a sigh looking over at Lilly. Lilly smiled at her, it seems Lilly didn't need any sleep at all. Maybe that was a advantage of being dead after all.

They started their long trek of a journey, as soon as they had eaten which was five minutes after they woke up. "Ugghhhh, why does walking have to be so tiring?" Zoey asked

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