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It was Emily's 18 birthday, 2 years after the monsters had been left for dead and even now she had a feeling that wanted to burst from inside her, she wanted for some strange reason to go back to the forest and relive those memories that she so desperately wants to forget but her mind thinks not.

Her and her friends had separated, been distanced. After the first year they drifted apart and adding another year they have became even more distant.

Sometimes she wished she could be as close as she used to be with her friends, but that wouldn't happen anymore, unless....

No she shouldn't think about that, but it didn't seem that bad, to do it again, to make the world feel scared, or at least her little village.

She wanted to go back to the forest find the paper, and wreak havoc upon her village, her only problem? She needed a partner. It wasn't like she didn't have friends, it was who out of her friends could she hypnotise to come and help her throughout her journey through the forest and getting out, then it came to her Steph.

Steph was your average teenage girl, she barely any friends and sat alone at lunch, and that was why she would be easy to manipulate, Steph took pride in her dyed blue hair, even though people made fun of her for it, she liked her eyes, the were the nice mixture of brown and green, even though most people would say bad things about them, it didn't bother her.

So that was Emily's plan, to pretend to be this girl's friend and then lure her into going into the forest and helping her find the paper. And a bonus was that she would be hanging out with her friends.

The only downside, her friends could die like Lilly had done and try to plan against her plans and she didn't want that to happen.

That day at school she walked up to Steph and started to tell her all these things that where was so nice to butter her up into helping Emily. And it worked, they had became good friends in less than a minute, "Perfect" Emily had thought.

That day Emily spent all her time with Steph slowly telling her that she would benefit from helping her and Steph agreed, so it was settled, they would go into the forest at midnight.

And that's what they did, on the dot of midnight.

She walked out her front door and almost stumbled, they hadn't cleaned up all of the body's. She stepped over the body and continued to walk over to Steph's house, she paused to make sure it was the right one, she looked around. In the corner she saw Steph as if she were trying to hide from what was about to come.

"Steph get over here!" Emily whisper shouted

"I'm coming I'm coming," she responded

"Well hurry up," Emily said starting to walk away.

Steph quickly followed, one fact Emily had quickly learnt about Steph was that if you started to leave she would want to come with you. And of course Emily used that to her advantage.

So they walked up to the forest, it seemed peaceful that night, the sound of birds chirping and the quiet hum of crickets made it seem something happy and not what it's true intentions were.

So in they went, it was much different from the last time Emily was in the forest, this time there were no hallucinations that seemed like it wanted them out, this time it was nice quiet and peaceful, which Emily was glad about.

She smiled looking up into the sky breathing in long deep breaths of the forest air, it seemed to good to be true but they continued anyways. Steph had never been in the forest before so she didn't know what it was like, she thought that it was normal, even though it wasn't even for a perfectly fine day.

That night was a full moon, making it extra powerful and with more power the greater the pull, maybe that was why Emily had decided to go into the forest that night. But nobody had really known that night except for one thing, you shouldn't mess with the forest's power especially on a full moon when the power is at full.

Emily has stumbled a couple of times but that was the extent of the injuries, no wolf attack, no hallucinations, no nothing. Just a nice peaceful night, or so it seemed.

Nobody had noticed it then but it was a evil force that had been in that forest that night, waiting, watching for the right moment to strike.

Even when Emily had fallen she didn't feel any pain it was the force behind the forest that was keeping it from her, even though she didn't notice it was still their.

The spirits were active that night also, Emily could feel wind through her hair even though none seemed apparent, she also felt Lilly, she seemed full of hatred and Emily sensed that it made her want to get mad at silly reasons like why was it so hot or why can't she walk any faster. The night was there and it went and it turned day.

Emily was debating on whether they should continue they had a long walk ahead but that didn't mean they only had to do it at night.

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