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"Well here let's find you a seat," he said pulling her in the other direction.

He leads her into a new room, blood covered the walls, but there were no weapons in the room at that moment.

"Hey where are you taking me!" Emily screamed at her father

"Somewhere that you'll never forget," he said and with force, he pushed her forwards making her lay flat on the ground and tieing her hands behind her back.

She gulped as her eyes looked every direction in the room, then she spotted a door at the far end of the room it looked like he was going to take her their. He pushed her, shoved her whatever you want to call it until they reached the door. He opened it and immediately a strong smell hit Emily's nose, it smelt of the dead.

They walked farther into the room and then she realized what the smell was coming from. Hundreds upon hundreds of ripped off faces were hung against the wall, tacked up their for decades.

"As you see, these are the faces from the dead," he started pointing to each and every one of them "and I have ripped most of them off from their owners you see, only the ones ll the way back their were not of my doing but of my fathers. At a very young age he trained me how to rip someone's face off and how to do it right, he was the original creator of our village, you know,"

"So you're a descendant of the creator?" Emily asked

"Why yes I am,"

"And that means I am too,"

"Anyways, by the age of 8 I was brought out to the forest by my father and I saw 4 people tied together in a heap, they were still alive, since I had only practiced on the dead this was quite some change, but I did it anyway ignoring the screams, and that my daughter was my first face ripping," he smiled at her with a sick grin and left, leaving Emily tied up and thinking over about what her father did behind closed doors.

Emily couldn't really do anything but sit their and look at all the faces on the wall, it was strange that she had never noticed her father to be such a horribly evil person, when she was young she loved him with all her heart and she never thought he was capable of killing somebody, but now she can see his true colors.

She heard the door open so she turned her head towards it she saw her father staring at her, creepily.

"How come I've never seen grandpa?" Emily asked, trying to get her father to talk.

"My father was a coward, after he brought the bodys to the forest he realized that he was a monster, after years the creatures he made started to come after him and that's when he wrote the notes that you and your friends found, he was a coward after he made his creature, he didn't want to kill, so I killed him he was a disgrace,"

Emily just stared at her father, she had never known why her father didn't care if a aunt or a uncle died and she never figured it out, until that day she learned a lot about her father that day including things she didn't want to know.

"Why did you tie me up?" she asked trying to get some no so horrific answers from him.

"Because I wanted you to soak in that I'm a monster, and you are too, whether you realize or not, you are my child and so forth you are a monster," he replied with a grim facial expression.

"Than can you untie me?"

"Fine, just promise to never come in here again," he said as he untied his daughter's wrists.

She looked up at her father, she wished she could go back to the old days when she was happy and had a family that were nice and caring, but you can't turn back time. That's when she also made the decision that she was going to escape that night, no matter what.

It seemed like forever before night came, and she decided that if she 'went to bed' early she would have the best chance of escape so that's what she did. She told her father that she was really tired and she thought she needed to go to bed early, when she got to her room she went to the door in the middle of the front wall, this was the door her father left from and she hoped to do the same.

Once she opened it a loud crash rung around the house, her father jumped up from behind the door and grabbed his knife from his pocket.

"I thought you were going to bed early huh," he said pushing the knife closer and closer to Emily's throat.

She looked up at him anger taking control of her body, she punched him in the stomach again and again and again until he caught her arm and made a deep long cut straight through the middle.

"Here I have someone to show you," he said dragging Emily by the arm to cause as much pain as possible.

He brought her to her mother, after he opened the door he shoved Emily into the room with her mother only that her mother was dead and it looked like she had been for a while. She broke down in tears all the grief and sadness catching up to her.

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