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Emily sat down thinking for quite a while waiting for the perfect moment to sneak Steph out, it hadn't happened yet.

A bang sounded far off into the distance, Emily wondered what was going on. Then the screaming started and everyone else was staring ahead , it was like they could see through the walls and knew exactly what was going on.

"What's happening?" Zoey asked the group not letting her eyes drift from the wall.

"I don't know," Zach said listening waiting for more, but nothing else came, besides the couple screams here and there nothing seemed out of the ordinary. But of course when things start to seem normal the world gets flipped and the un normal starts happening once again.

They heard a mans rough voice, it had sounded as if he was in his late 30's. But what he said shocked them. "If anyone dares about thinking of going outside, you will be shot on the spot!"

His voice had force making even them cower in fear. "Well this is going to be a little more difficult than I expected," Zoey said, looking up this time, trying to think of how they could get outside without being shot to death.

"Yeah definitely," the group said nodding in agreement.

"What do you think we should do?" Zoey asked, wondering what they should do, how to make a distraction, is it worth dying for? She knew the answer to the last question, yes it is worth dying for if she were to save the world.

"We could sneak out, but their could be cameras," Josh said thinking out loud.

"Yeah we could," Emily said with doubt.

"If none of you are willing to go out and test it then I will," he said heading for the door.

"NO!" they all shouted but it was to late, he was already out into the main area of the gas station.

This time they heard a gunshot and it was much closer, they all thought of Josh he was probably laying their on the ground dead. Nobody wanted to go out and see, but after a minute they already knew, blood was starting to seep through the cracks in the door.

Most of their faces were filled with shock, some were filled with grief, but none seemed to have tears, which could have been a good sign or a bad sign, depends on the way you look at it.

That day they weren't as grief ridden as when Lilly had died, maybe after seeing so much of death you don't feel for it as much as when you first saw it. But they were still sad, they knew if they went out of their safe bunker they would be shot on the spot.

"Not if I shot them first," Emily thought, dazing off into a dreamlike state almost drifting off until loud banging came from the door.

Chatter had started at once even though it was loud outside they still wanted to keep their voices down. They could hear voices from outside, it wasn't like it was one person, it sounded as if there were multiple.

Should we open it? Was the ongoing question among the chatter, nobody really knew the answer. They could be shot on the spot or they could be rewarded water and food.

"What if we point a gun up towards the door, open a tiny piece of it and if it doesn't seem safe shot," Emily said, already looking for the gun that she had in her bag.

"Fine you can do it, we're not shooting," Ethan said looking back down at his sketchbook, he was drawing a picture of each of his friends. The banging had quieted down but not all the way, you could still hear it which meant that they were still their.

And Emily did what she said, she told the group to cover their ears and they did, she shot the gun, who ever was out their seemed like no good, and just like that the unknown people were gone.

But a thought entered Ethan's head that he couldn't shake off, he couldn't concentrate on drawing so he looked up.

"How did they just walk up and over to this super market without being shot?" Ethan asked even though he knew no one knew the answer.

"Do we even know what time it is?" Emily said wiping the little amount of blood off her face,

"Wait, what colour is that blood?" Zoey said stopping Emily's hand from wiping the blood on a cloth, Emily looked down, a thick black liquid was on her hand, and no one had noticed that the colour was black until then.

"Ok are we near the forest again because I feel like I just had a hallucination," Zoey said looking like she was about to throw up.

"I know I feel like that too," Zach said looking almost sick himself

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