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They all found holes close by and waited, they didn't want to get out in case Jak came. It seemed like forever until he did but he did, he was chanting "Oh Emily, oh friends, you will soon meet you very terrible ends, oh Emily, oh friends beware of the not so friendly friends," over and over again, like some sort of message or prophesy. It seemed like hours before Jake had left and they could get out from the holes they were squished in.

"What do you think that meant?" Emily questioned, "when I was kidnapped he never sounded like he was chanting," she said thinking out loud.

"Wait wait wait, you were kidnapped?!" Zoey said

"Yeah, you didn't realize that already?" she said with a tiny bit of shock on her face.

"Well we didn't have much time to talk," Zoey said

"Anyways we need to save the old woman," Ethan said looking around to see any signs of anyone being their.

"Oh yeah," Zoey said realizing she forgot what they originally came into the forest for.

"Hey Em do you have any ideas of where she could be?" Zach said looking at her for the first time.

"The middle of the forest," she said remembering her hallucination.

"How do you know that?" Zoey asked

"It was a hallucination I had, I think it was either trying to help us or kill us, I still can't figure that part out," she said looking in the general direction of the middle of the forest.

"Oh that's strange we never get any secret signs from this forest of horrors," Zach said

"Well we should probably get going if we want to get their as fast as we can," Steph said wanting to get to her grandma out of this forest as fast as she could before the creatures could do any harm.

"Steph's right, for all we know the old woman could be dead," Emily said

And they were off into the unknown lands of the forest hoping that the woman's clock has not run out. Soo it was pitch black out but it didn't stop them, they wanted it done and they were going to get it done that night.

Then they saw it, a big circle surrounded by big torches that had been stuck in the ground. Emly saw what was in the middle first, a dead faceless with a shot wound. A couple seconds later a whole bunch of faceless creatures circled around the body, chanting something that the group couldn't hear. Then Steph's grandma came out, Steph almost broke down in tears. Her grandma was holding a knife, she walked to the body and stabbed it twice, she got a handful of the blood and smeared in a circle around the body and herself, she then cut her own hand and added her blood to the creatures. A explosion erupted and the body was gone. Leaving Steph's grandma's hand bleeding.

The explosion had flung most of the people to the ground only Steph and Zach were left standing, the rest got up mouths open in shock. In a blink of eye Steph was gone, she had gone to go get her grandma. To Steph's surprise her grandma was really light. But she ran and ran until she was on the outskirts once again. She was greeted with a big group hug.

"Meet my grandma," she said gesturing towards her grandma, she thought it would be a good time to reveal it now rather than later.

"Wait what!" Zoey said her eyes filled with shock.

The others were too shocked to speak they just had their mouths wide open. They heard footsteps behind them making Emily turned around instantly. She saw her father through the darkness smiling and waving his knife.

"Umm, guys, I think we have a problem," she said not letting her eyes wander.

"Oh what is that?" Steph said shifting her grandmas weight to her other arm.

"Umm, can you guys look behind you, like the way I'm facing," Emily said hoping that her friends would hurry up because it seemed to her that her father was getting closer and closer.

"Ok," they said and as they turned around, their calmness from earlier had vanished and had turned into complete fear.

"I think," Zoey said

"We should,"

"RUN!" Emily screamed as her father reached out to grab her.

They ran, Steph had her grandma in her arms and they flew by trees upon trees upon trees, they wanted to stop but Emily's father wasn't letting up the chase. Emily wanted to close her eyes and rest extremely badly but her father wanted to catch them when they were the most in need of breath.

"We need to get out of this forest," Emily yelled.

"I know," Steph replied

"You sure do!" Emily's father said lunging at Emily, she screamed and tried to run faster but her father had a good grip on her sweater slowly reeling her in to his clutches.

"Guys!" she screamed her voice getting hoarse

They turned around they were frozen only for a second. Zoey leaped on top of Jake making him tumblr but not let go of his daughter. Steph came up from behind and started to punch kick whatever she could to let Emily get away. Jake turned around flinging Zoey off him, he walks over to Steph, his smile coming back, he picked her up before she could run away. He flung her into a tree headfirst, almost knocking her out.

Zoey rushed over to Steph while the boys tried to take care of Jake. Steph's grandma had been left on the forest floor, she looked helpless. Zoey rushed over to her picked her up and brought her to Steph maybe that would comfort her she didn't know at that point.

Steph's grandma whispered into her ear " rat poison and creature blood is all you need to stop this," she then passed out right as Zoey was laying her on the grass.

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