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She could see her father watching her. He knew about the dreams of being a doctor, he knew she knew how to treat a gunshot wound.

He also knew that he wasn't planning on killing Ethan. He only wanted to cause him pain. He hadn't expected his daughter to jump in front of the bullet, that had surprised him. Nothing surprises him anymore and their his own daughter would rather take her own life then let her friend get harmed.

Emily wanted to get up, but she couldn't with the help of someone and she didn't even know if she was allowed to. So she looked to the ground, she didn't want any part in what happened next, but what looking down did to her was worse than being in the conversation. She had fallen beside Zach's body, she had almost touched it.

Tears had started to fall again, and then it was just them her and Zach. she didn't even realize her father had left until Ethan had started to call her name.



She looked up and then around, "I need a hospital," she said, "and please make it safe,"

"We will try Em," Zoey said looking down at her

Zoey got the keys to Zach's truck and they quickly drove to the hospital, not wasting a second of time.

The friends waited in the waiting room once Emily was taken in to see a doctor.

After about an hour Emily came out looking much better than before. She had her leg properly bandaged up and some of the color had returned to her skin. It was only her face that looked terrified and pale it was as if she were scared.

All Emily wanted to do was close her eyes but even then it wouldn't do much good when her father could enter and make up her dreams. She wanted to forget who her doctor was, she wanted to forget a lot of things but she knew that wouldn't be possible for a very long time.

When they got back to Zach's house Zoey had asked what was wrong and when Emily didn't respond she got even more worried than she already was.

Emily let out a long sigh and said "my brother was the doctor, it was like he was torturing me while helping me,"

Zoey's eyes went from concerned to shocked and then back to concern. Zoey didn't know what to say or what to do, she knew they all needed to get out of that house and that they all needed sleep.

"I think we should leave this place," Zoey declared

"Yeah I can agree," Ethan replied

Emily nodded in agreement, she didn't feel the need that she needed to use her words.

So they all got into Zach's car and drove to Ethan's house. All Emily hoped was that her father didn't know what Zach's car looked. But he probably did since it seemed he knew everything.

When they parked the car Emily was the first to get out, she limped all the way up to the door. She stood there waiting around for her friends. While she waited she looked toward the people on the street. They looked peaceful, like they didn't have any problems in their own little life.

While she was looking at a woman who looked like she was in her mid twenties, she saw an old lady covered in red come up behind her. When Emily had realized who the old lady was and what she had in her hand it was to late, the woman was already gone.

"Um, guys I think you should hurry up," Emily stressed, not letting her eyes leave the old woman.

"Ok, but why?" Ethan asked but when he saw the look of horror on her face he turned around. His mouth flung open, from his angle all he could see was Steph's grandma covered in blood picking up limbs from off the ground.

 He told Zoey and they both ran over to Emily, fear still in their eyes.

Ethan's hands were shaking as he unlocked the door, making sure that his eyes didn't leave Steph's grandmother.

"And to think that we saved her from dying," Zoey muttered as she quickly went in the house.

"So what are we going to do with two killers that we have to watch out for?" Emily asked her friends,

"Well we could be hiding away like everyone else or we could do what we normally do, save the world," Ethan responded, a slight smile washed over his face for only a second .

"Well why don't we try and figure out how to save the world," Emily smiled at the thought,

"Ok so we have Steph's grandmother killing people, we have no idea why or how she can do this. Then we have Jake who doesn't stop at anything to get what he wants, even if he kills someone or something," Zoey ranted,

"Wait do you maybe think my father had something to do with this, like he could have taught Steph's grandma how to kill and stuff like that?"

"That would be something that he would do," Zoey tapped her cheek, thinking if Jake would go to that extreme but in truth, he definitely would.

"So it's settled that it was my father who made Steph's grandma into a killing machine but we still need to figure out the why aspect of it. He kills whenever he wants so why would he need to get someone to do it for him?" Emily said thinking out loud.

"Do the police know?" Emily asked her friends

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