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She snuck back into the forest and as quickly as she could retrieve Lilly's body. She made her way to the circle without seeing anyone or anything which in her eyes was a good thing. She made her way towards the circle, then it occurred to her, what if they were already doing that for the other one that her she and her friends had killed.

She looked towards the circle of blood, it was empty. She quickly mixed the blood and the poison together before placing the body down. She dumped the mixture quickly and quietly. She then waited for the creatures to came, as her heart beated out of her chest. She looked down at her worn out clothes things like these things hadn't occurred to her until that moment when she felt like she had the most time in the world. Her jean jacket and white space shirt looked like a mess with all the black blood that was drying on it.

She felt her hair, what used to be two space buns now seemed like a messy no bun hair style look. She thought that her black ripped jeans looked the best, they almost looked clean, like she had just put them on. She was so in the zone that she didn't even hear the stampeding getting closer.

Then a idea struck her, she wanted to rip this thing off like a bandaid.

"YOU'RE LEADERS DEAD!" Emily screamed out into the darkness that was overcoming the day, she wanted to make it quick. She didn't want to be faced with faceless creatures at night in the forest.

She heard stampeding in the distance, it must have been the creatures.

Soon she had a audience who were slowly dying without realizing it. They had only realized that they were stuck. Emily hadn't realized that all of the creatures were under Lilly's rule, it was unbelievable.

Soon all of the creatures had died and Emily made her way back to her village feeling accomplished, even with darkness on her door she wanted to be happy. But then she remembered her friends and she wondered where they could be then that brought up the question of where Steph's grandma would be, just so many questions and so little answers. But it was night and all Emily wanted was a good night's sleep.

In the morning she could hear the birds chirping. It seemed like she hadn't heard the sounds of birds or any animal for that matter in months. She looked out the cabins old window. Enjoying the sun's glare she felt like she didn't have a worry in the world.

Then a shrilling scream was heard in the distance, not to far, but not to close either. Emily suddenly looks up getting out if her happy little daydream and focusing back on the real world.

Her heart started beating out of her chest, this was supposed to mean that the world was saved why would there be screaming if the world wasn't saved. Thoughts went in and out of Emily's head, she couldn't help questioning everything around her. What if it was all a dream that her imagination made up.

She wanted to relax for one day but the universe didn't want her to, of course not. She looked out the window again, this time seeing a lonely faceless creature staggering out of the forest, but when she looked closer she noticed a strange detail. That it had no eyes. She wanted to forget that she had started this herself , this whole problem. She wanted to kill herself for it, but she knew she couldn't bring herself to doing that and besides she had friends to save.

She walked out of the cabin, it seemed like a nice day, compared to the doom and gloom the other days. The grass even felt nicer but that's besides the point. She wanted to run without a care or fear in the world, like she had done when she was younger, it was like she could run all day and night. She had loved the feeling from the wind flowing through your hair. But now? It felt like a reminder that she had to run away not to, whether in fear or in need of getting someplace, she wanted to be young again without a care in the world.

If you only could do the things you want in life.

She decided that her problems could wait, she wanted to take in a moment of happiness just for herself, and that's exactly what she did.

She ran like she had no care in the world, it was a happy run unlike the others that she had to do so often. When the moment was over she was out of breath but she felt the greatest she had felt in weeks.

She decided since she felt so good that she would be productive and search for her friends but she had a feeling she already knew where they would be but she didn't want to find her father after she had been so happy.

The first place she checked was the hospital that they had slept in in what seemed like forever ago. Of course they weren't in their. She checked the gas station bunker that she was also semi dreading. Once she opened the bunker door the stench hit her and she felt like she was going to puke, she almost did.

She was glad when she got out of the bunker, the stench that came from it didn't even smell like blood or puke it smelt like something worse, a bloody faceless creature's decaying body then shoved in garbage covered with skunk spray would be the most accurate description of it. Emily knew two places where her friends could be a, the place where she had been kidnapped or b, in the forest. She felt like they were in or close to where she was kidnapped, she didn't want to go their just yet, she wanted to check the forest, just to check even though she hated it in their.

As she walked closer to the forest she instantly could feel a different vibe from it, it seemed less powerful but powerful enough. Emily suddenly felt the urge that she needed to lie down or she was going to faint. She didn't want to, she felt like the evil force was going to do something to her if she did. But it became to much when her vision started spinning violently.

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