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She took a deep breath in and then slowly let it back out. She wasn't ready for what was in store for her.

Her father lead her back into the basement. She saw her friends by the door way, but as soon as they saw her father they started to back away. When her father was fully in the basement her friends were gone, probably back to their bedroom.

Her father lead her upstairs and into what looked like the main living area, except for the blood splatters that had covered the walls.

As Emily looked around she saw another doorway that seemed to lead downwards into another basement or some other living quarters.

Her father showed her around the house. It did truly look like the other one except much larger. Emily was lead into a large room that was pitch black, she wondered where she was going but her father wasn't telling her. He would say stuff like "You'll just have to wait and see," or "why would I spoil the surprise this early?" in some way Emily wanted to see where her father was bringing her but in another way she didn't want to know what her father had in store for her. But with her father one could never know.

When they finally stopped Emily was blindfolded, she almost screamed from the shock, almost.

She felt herself being dragged against the ground, it felt like she was outside in a forest even. She felt sharp things like twigs and soft things like leaves and the soil from the ground.

It was like she was being dragged away from her home into the unknown abiss that she hadn't ventured yet. Then suddenly he stopped and Emily was left with the feeling alone and didn't know if her father was still their or had left. She didn't like the feeling of not knowing where her father was when she was blindfolded it made her feel vulnerable to his attacks.

The blindfold was ripped off and Emily saw the light of the day, she was outside and from what it looked like very early in the morning. She didn't know if she had fell asleep or not but she felt like she had just woke up from a very bad sleep.

She looked around and saw her father slowly backing up into the trees. It looked like he wanted to get away from her. And just like that she was alone in the forest that had terrified her for years and her father just left her their.

She saw a faceless creature come towards here it resembled Lilly a bit to much. It got way to close, she could feel it's breath. Suddenly it was Lilly, like a human version. She wanted to jump up and hug her best friend but she knew that Lilly was dead so she couldn't be alive.

As the unknown Lilly stepped closer and closer, Emily could smell the stench of dead, it wasn't like the faceless smell it was more of a dead in the ground smell even though to Emily's knowledge she had never been buried.

Lilly was almost on top of Emily when Lilly had started to change back into the faceless that Emily had become so familiar too. Lilly's mouth looked awful, tiny bugs and worms were crawling in and out of it, bugs started to seep out of the faceless Lilly's skin. She knew that she needed to get away but she didn't know how.

She blinked and she was back in the house. She fell down she didn't know where she was anymore, she became dizzy and then she saw her father working a large machine that was hooked up to her, he smiled when he noticed she was awake.

"Since when did you get that sort of device, and when did you happen to hook me up?" Emily said even though the pounding in her head made her want to stop and go back to sleep but she knew if she went back asleep than her father could work his device into her nightmares.

"Since I got your friends and you passed out so I decided to hook you up, thought it would do you some good," he said, his all so creepy smile and stare returning to his face.

Her pounding headache grew stronger as she saw her father smile at her, it felt like she was being forced to look away from him, even though she wanted to keep a close eye. She heard him say "good, it's working," but she didn't really comprehend what he had said since the searing pain in her head had grown even stronger.

After what felt like forever she just let the darkness overtake her and she was back in her fathers control even though she may not even know it. She opened one eye at a time, it seemed almost to sunny to be real. But it felt real even when she pinched herself she didn't wake up.

Something about the sunny place felt fake, non realistic, like it was one of those fantasy novels that people love and want to live their only Emily didn't want to live in this world something about it just seemed off.

That's when she noticed him. A man that had always appeared in her dreams since she was little. In her dreams he would chase her all the way into a abandoned house and he would hold her hostage, and then right as she was about to wake up, kill her. She would always jolt awake just as the knife in her dream was slicing her throat. She would always run to her mother but somehow her father would always hear her cries of how the man was going to kill her, somehow he knew about the man.

And her she was under her father's control without knowing it. 

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