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"What happened to her?!" Steph shouted

"I don't know but I know how to stop this mess," Zoey said with a confident smile, "we should help get Emily," Zoey helped Steph stand, by then she had gained enough confidence to try and fight for Emily's life.

With everyone attacking Jake let Emily go he started to back away, but Emily knew better she knew his tactics he would wait until they thought that they had won and then come after them much more forceful than the last time.

He backed away getting a far enough distance for him to get full speed of force, "GUYS LOOK OUT!" Emily screamed right before her father pounced.

They started to run this time they could see the exit, bit Emily knew it wasn't going to be that simple, she swerved to the right making her father go head first into the barrier that was blocking their exit.

She knew her friends would follow her, after all she had gotten to them after being kidnapped, they almost ran into the barrier but they swerved just in time they heard a thump of Jake running head first into the barrier.

He fell backwards anger flaring in his eyes. Emily raced away her friends close behind her. Emily found a patch in the trees and found that the barrier had broke she and her friends quickly escaped, leaving Jake still searching and not realizing that they had left, but it wouldn't be long before he did.

They ran and ran, switching turns holding Steph's grandma. They ran until they found what they hoped to be their safe house. It was a old looking wooden cabin right in the middle of the village.

They looked through the windows making sure the cabin was empty before they entered which it was. Emily entered first, she saw cobwebs on the ceiling and on the old looking wooden shelves. Old bottles that looked almost like they were molding.

The rest of the group came in and laid Steph's grandma down on the creaky wood of the floor.

"How do we save the village?" emily asked sweat dripping down the side of her face

"Poison, rat poison, and their blood that's all you need,"

"Um, ok," Emily said searching threw the old shelves and wooden chests and crates, "Found it!" she yelled holding up a bottle that read Rat Poisoning.

"Now all we need is their blood," Zoey said looking around the room. They knew what they had to do though, they wouldn't find faceless blood in a old cabin, they needed to kill another faceless grab a lot of blood and be on their way. There was a slight problem. They needed to go back into the forest and kill a faceless and Emily's father judging how they left only 30 minutes ago would still be their hunting them down, but they gotta do what they gotta do.

"One question before we leave, are you guys ready to run for your life?" Emily asked her friends, like it was a normal question.

"Oh and one more thing, most of them are with Lilly so we've got to be careful who we kill and who we don't," Emily said.

And with those two announcements out of the way they went off into the forest of horrors once again. They wanted to steer clear of Jake, they were tired and in need of a good night sleep. But of course another problem or solution pops up ad their the ones who always take the opportunity to go full force into the problem.

When they reached the forests line of trees their was no barrier, which in Emily's eyes could mean her father went out or someone they don't know about came in. they took a deep breath before entering because even before they stepped in they knew it was going to be a long night.

Emily wanted it to be clear of her father before she let anyone of her friends step any farther into the forest, she didn't want to know what her father would do to her friends after what he did with her.

She looked around not finding her father anywhere so she hoped that it be a safe trip into the forest but with a forest that had a great and powerful evil no one could really tell.

The rest of them ventured farther into the forest looking for any signs of the faceless creatures. Then they saw one peeking out from a tree. "Get it!" Emily yelled but not wanting to scare it away she had lowered her voice.

But her friends did what she had asked them to do, they had filled a one gallon jug of their blood. They set the jug down and sat, they had completed their mission, now they hoped they could get a good night's sleep, that's when a twig snapped from behind Zoey.

"Well well well, look who we have here," they heard Lilly say in her old voice she almost sounded normal.

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