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After that they made to steer clear of any blood that was on the floor, which was difficult because it was everywhere, even when they try to avoid it at least once a day someone goes into another one of those fits, making more blood.

Normally the fits lasted for 30 minutes or more but for the last hour or two they had lasted for 40-60 minutes. The days went by slowly and Emily started to want to get out, it was like she needed to escape the tiny blood filled room.

"I can't take this much longer," she said "I've got to get out,"

And she tried but each time she either chickened out which seemed out of the ordinary for her, or she got caught by her friends, she had completely forgotten about her plans with Steph since of their recent sickness.

But the next day, her chances seemed promising, her doubts didn't even get in the way, she knew she needed to get out and that was what she was going to do.

Her heart felt like it was beating out of her chest, but it was a quiet day, no blood, it was perfect.

She went to the door, took a couple deep breaths in and opened it. She quickly went out and curled up into a ball, not wanting to be seen by the possible shooters.

But nothing came she went to stand up and that's when the first shot echoed off the walls, it missed her by a inch. She gulped and started running as fast as her legs could carry her. The streets were horrible, blood filled

The sidewalks, body's everywhere and strangely no Faceless.

Then she remembered Steph, well a little too late for that. All that mattered was her survival and that she didn't get shot. She heard it again this time not as close but close enough to send her into running behind a large old looking building.

She thought that it would have been a good time for her friends to

Escape, only for a moment. Only for a moment. That's when she heard the gun go off and a scream, she froze. The only thought that popped into her head was, was that one of my friends? She just couldn't get it out.

She quickly moved along the side of the building, she found a door that was cracked open just a small amount, so she opened it. It was like a first class suite on the Titanic, it was beautiful. Emily's mouth hung open, she didn't even hear her friends call her name. Emily stayed there for the night, it was like her ideal sleep and she actually got enough.

Back at the little bunker, the air had gotten stuffy, and more blood fits had gotten worse, almost every hour the floor had gotten bloodier. "We've got to get out of here," Zoey said to the empty room.

"I know, we also got to look for Emily," Ethan said entering the room.

Zoey jumped and play pushed Ethan "don't do that, you scared me," he made a face and she pushed him farther a smile growing on her face. It was nice to have some actual fun time in a not very fun world.

That night was better than rest, some would say because they didn't have as much fits as they had been or some might even say because Emily wasn't their, but it really was because of the fun they were having, it seemed so long ago that they had so much fun all together, by the end of the night they all fell asleep with smiles on their faces, reliving the happy moments because they knew they would have to face many more to come.

Emily saw a new door leading into a different room, she decided to go look into it. She walked in and her jaw dropped again but not in the good way like she did when she entered the other room, this time she saw a bloody axe and a torture chamber, she tried to calm her breathing but it wouldn't work, she just had a bad feeling like someone was in the room with her. And that was when hands grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth, she saw a black glove before a needle pinched her skin.

When she woke up it looked like the torture room from the other place or it could be the same, she really didn't know. She had gotten kidnapped in a apocalyptic world what were the odds. She saw a tall dark figure enter the room her breathing quickened, then she saw the axe. Emily closed her eyes she didn't want whoever was behind the hood, if this was how her life was going to work then she would rather die. "At least I'm not coughing up blood anymore," she thought darkly.

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