Chapter 1

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Jennifer Davis just moved to Charming a small town in California to open her new shop. She has only been living in Charming for two weeks now and she still doesn't know anyone. It wasn't because she was shy or didn't want to meet anyone. She just spent most of her time at her shop working all day and sometimes endless nights. Jennifer used to have an assistant Millie Huxable but she wanted to stay back home to be with her husband Mouth and their kids so she agreed to let her run her other shop back home. Jennifer did miss home and her friends especially her God Son Jamie who she didn't want to leave behind. But Jennifer couldn't live in Tree Hill anymore. She had to get away. Of course Charming wasn't her first choice but she didn't want to live in a big city anymore so small town seems better for her. Well that's what she's hoping for.

Jennifer was standing behind the counter drawing some new designs when she heard three motorcycles pulling up. She looked up as she three men wearing black leather kuttes getting off of their bikes. What do they want." She started to think. When she watched the first man walking in she started couldn't stop staring at him. He had slick dirty blonde hair and the most beautiful blue eyes she ever saw. She could easily get lost in them. She stood up straight and looked at him and the men behind him professionally." Welcome to Clothes over Bros." What can I help you guys with?" Jennifer asked them as she gave them an nice smile.

"Clothes over Bros?" One of the guys who was about her height and have an Mohawk with two tattoos on both sides of his head asked looking around.

" Yeah that's an long story." Jennifer answered calmly.

The man standing in front of her. Started to speak." I'm Jackson Teller but you can call me Jax Darling." He said as he smirks slightly as he lead out his hand towards her.

Jennifer was hesitant to take his hand at first." Jennifer Davis." She said shaking  his hand. The moment she felt his hand against hers Jennifer felt an electric shot shooting up her spine. She quickly pulled back."

So back to my question what can I do for you guys?"She asked again.

" Actually we were wondering if we can help you." Jax said.

Jennifer shrugged her shoulders." You guys want to help me with what exactly?" She asked him as she started to get annoyed.

" Well we can protect this little shop of yours." Jax said calmly.

" How?" Jennifer asked him as she crossed her arms.

" By making sure there's no break ins or anything like that.

" Jennifer froze up as she heard that word." Break in?"She asked nervously.

" Jax just chuckled lightly." There's nothing to worry about. You can trust me and my club.

Jennifer scoffs lightly." Sorry but trust has to be earn and I don't trust that easily actually I barely let anyone in for that matter."

Jax nods his head." Yeah I know what you mean."

The guy with Mohawk spoke up." Hey Jax man we gotta go."

Jax nods his head." Just think about it Jennifer." He said as he gave her an warm smile and left her shop with the two men he was with.

After Jennifer watched them leave on their bikes. Jennifer started to feel her knees to go weak and she quickly sat down. The word breaking in was still burning an hole into her memory.

-Few Years ago-

Jennifer looked around her shop after locking up her sketches so her mom wouldn't take them from her. She looked around as she grabbed her purse and headed out the door. She took another look around."This is my store. My Company. It's what I wanted."She said as she turned off the lights. But just before she was able to leave. Jennifer got attacked. She screamed as she was thrown across her sofa and hit the ground. She couldn't see her attacker as he was wearing an mask of some sort. But when he was done beating on her. His last words he said before he left her was." Have an nice night." And left. Jennifer woken up with two black eyes bruises all over her legs and and an really huge on her back.

Jennifer quickly wipe her tears away as she pushed the memory further back into her mind. She then reached for her phone as she heard it ring few times. As she saw Jamie her God son's name flashing she smiles softy as she answered." Jamie!" How's my favorite guy doing?" She asked calmly.

" Hey Aunt Jennifer. I just wanted to call just to say hi and that I miss you."

Jennifer chuckled as she smiles as she was happy to hear his voice." I miss you too buddy. I love you. Be good for your mom and dad." She said as she started to feel her voice break little."

Love you too Aunt Jennifer."Jamie then handed the phone over to Haley.

Hey Jen you doing okay?" She heard best friend Haley asked her.

" Yeah I'm fine I'm just enjoying my new shop and meeting new people." She said as she in an calm voice.

" Well if you need anything call me."

Don't worry Haley I will thanks. Talk to you soon."She said hanging up. Jennifer went back to her sketches trying not to think about it again.


Jax was sitting at the head of the table with an huge reaper carved in the middle of it. In the chapel of the clubhouse. He was lost in his thoughts. He couldn't stop thinking about Jennifer. With her shoulder length dark brown hair and light brown beautiful eyes. Also curves at all the right places. It's only been two years since he lost Tara who was killed by an drive by well that's what he was told. He never knew the real truth.He never thought about being interested in an another woman let alone look at another woman until he met Jennifer. She was the most beautiful woman he has ever met and wants to get to know her. He could tell she has put up an wall and he's hoping to break it down.

"Hey baby in your deep thoughts again?" Gemma asked  walking  into the chapel.

Jax nods his head." Yeah I guess you can say that." He said looking at his mom.

" I know what that means." Gemma said as she walked over and sat down next to him." Talk to me. Who is she?"

What makes you think it's an woman?" He asked raising his eye brow.

"Jax this is your mother your talking to here and  I know you. Your usually in your deep thoughts when it has to do with an woman."

Jax knew he wasn't gonna get off the hook for this." Well I met the owner of the new clothing shop."

" Okay and?" Gemma asked him.

" And she's beautiful mom. Her name is Jennifer Davis and she just moved her two weeks ago. She doesn't know anyone yet and I wanna get to know her. But She has this wall up that I can't seem to break down.

" Just gotta keep trying Jax." She said giving his hand a little squeeze." I'm gonna go home and check on the boys.

"Thanks mom." He said as Gemma got up.

"Anytime babe." She said as she left the clubhouse.

Later that night Jennifer laid awake in bed as she couldn't sleep. Her mind was on Jax. The more she was thinking about him. The more she wanted to know him. But she was afraid to let him in. To trust him. She reached for her cell as she started to wonder who could be texting her at 1:30 am. She sighs as she saw it an text from her mother. She sighs as She tossed the phone to the side not bother looking at the text.. She rolled over to her side and fell asleep.

So you guys think Jax will be able to break Jennifer's wall and she will let him in? or will Jennifer do,anything to keep it up? Gotta read more to find out.

Can I trust you?(Jax Teller and Jennifer Davis)Where stories live. Discover now