Chapter 34

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Sitting at the kitchen table with Catelynn on her lap Jennifer kept staring at her screen for twenty minutes. She  has just called Gemma and have her meet Jennifer at her store. Well Jax actually but Gemma doesn't know. Part of Jennifer feels nauseous mostly because ever since Jennifer has met Gemma she become closer to her. Jennifer had felt that Gemma was like a second mother. She couldn't ever imagine Gemma could ever do something like this. Jennifer exhales softly as she lean kissed the top of Catelynn's head as the thought of leaving her daughter alone in the world was starting to scare her.

"Did you call Gemma?" Jax as soon he walked into the kitchen and over to the coffee pot to pour himself some.

"Yeah she said she will be there in like twenty minutes. What you gonna do when you see her?" Jennifer asked.

"Gonna get the truth about what really happened and why Gemma killed Tara." Jax said as he sat down across from Jennifer as he took a sip of his coffee.

"So your just gonna talk to her? Your not gonna like kill her?" Jennifer asked as she was staring to get worried.

Jax sighs deeply as he leans forward against the kitchen table." All I want is the truth and Gemma is gonna finally give it to me. About her being killed. Honesty Jennifer I don't know. For three years she lied about who murdered Tara. She wanted me and the club to think it was the Chinese that murdered Tara so because of that lie lot of lives was lost. Lot of bodies dropped."

"Jesus. So who came up with the car accident?" Jennifer asked as she took a sip of her coffee that was still warm.

"Few hours after I found Tara. I called Bobby and Happy. I had them wrap her body in an tarp so they can take her out. That's when Gemma decided we should the tell  police it was a car accident. I had Tig drive Tara's SUV into a baracate."

"So you just went along with it?"

"Had no choice. Gemma felt that if we gotten the police involved it was gonna bring in a lot of heat for the club and she didn't want that."

Jennifer shook her head as she looked at him." I'm so sorry Gemma had put you  through that." Jennifer looks down at Catelynn for a moment as she exhaled deeply.

"Part of me doesn't want you to kill your mom and I know it's something you might have to do. But I know you Jax. Having your mother's blood on your hands it's gonna crush you and I don't know if I'm gonna be able to pull you back from it. But if it's what you gotta do for your sons and for Tara. Well as your old lady  I will do what I have to do. I will support it." Just saying those words was making Jennifer feel more sick to her stomach.

Jax got up and leans down and kisses her forehead." I gotta go but I'll be back later." He said as he gave his daughter a kiss on the head and walked out of the front door.

Jennifer pinched the bridge of her nose as she closed her eyes for a moment. As an old lady Jennifer knows what Jax has to do but she hopes and prays it doesn't come to that.

"Jax? Where's Jennifer?" Gemma asked as she watched him getting off his bike."I was supposed to meet her but she's not here yet.

"Yeah I know she's at home with the kids. Listen mom we gotta talk. He said as he unlocked the door and opened it letting Gemma in.

"What's going on Jackson?" Gemma asked as she watched closing the shades and locking the doors.

"I talk to the guys last night. They said you confess about what really happened the night Tara was murdered."

"They told you?" Gemma said as she rest her hands on her hips.

"Yeah they did. Why did you do it? Why did you Kill Tara?" Jax asked as he tried to keep his tears at bay.

Gemma sighs deeply. That day Nero had just broken up with me. I was in the kitchen getting drunk and high. I just wanted the pain to go away. Unser came in and told me you were getting picked up. He said Tara made a deal.

"Jesus Christ. Tara never made the deal. I was turning myself in to protect her and the boys. Mom she never ratted."

"I didn't know until after it happen. I barely remember it. When I came face to face with her I completely lost it. All I could think about her taking my grandsons away and everything else she did. That betrayal is what set me off. After it happen and as I watched her body fall everything went blurry I could barely see straight."

Jax could feel his hands shake as he exhales deeply and clenched his jawlines." For three years you had me lie to the police and told them it was an car accident which we both know it was bullshit. Then you tell it was one of Henry Lins guys who murdered my wife. I ended up going after the Chinese because of your lies. Many lives and bodies dropped because of you."

"I know and I know my apology won't bring Tara back. But Jax I am sorry for what I did. Baby I was only trying to protect you."

"Oh don't give me that shit. The only person who you were protecting was yourself. Like you always do."He said as he clenched his teeth together.

"Now because of you Abel and Thomas is growing up without her because of what you did.Yeah I should've told you what was going on that night  that was my fault. But understand this mother. Your not to go anywhere near Jennifer or my kids. Grandma is dead. Your dead to my family." He spat.

"Jax-"She started to say but Jax stopped her.

"I don't wanna hear it. I want you to leave Charming. Pack up your shit and leave. I never want to see you here in Charming ever again." He said with so much venom in his voice.

"I had thought about killing you cause we both know I should. But I made a promise to Jennifer I wouldn't."

Gemma sighs with relieve as she clinch her chest." Thank you Jax."

"But that doesn't mean you actually get to live." Jax said as soon Happy walked out from the back.

Gemma gasps as she turn around and saw Happy standing there and looked back at Jax." What the hell is this? I thought you wanted me to leave?" Gemma asked as she was confused.

"I do. But I know you mother. I know you will never leave Charming and that you do anything to keep an hold to my sons. I can't let that happen."

Jax looked over at Happy and nods his head. Gemma could feel her breathe getting caught in her throat. Without hesitation Happy raised his gun and pulled the trigger. With one single bullet in her head Gemma dropped to the ground. Jax ran his hands against his face as he wiped his tears away.

"Clean this up and bury her in an mark grave. I can't have this blow back on the club or Jennifer." He said as pulled out an cigarette from his cut.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Happy asked.

Nods his head as he took a drag from his cigarette." Yeah I'll be fine. Thanks brother." He said gave Happy a hug and an kiss on his bald head.

"I did it for your family and for the club. We are gonna be fine." Happy rasps as he nods his head.

"Yeah we are." Looking down at Gemma one more time and looking up at Tara he nods his head as he realized that this was the right thing to do. He had to do it for Tara and for his boys." Love you babe." He said softly.

Stepping out of the shop and getting back on his bike. Jax exhaled as soon as he got his bike started. Leaving Jennifer's shop Jax drove down the street towards the cemetery. He wanted to go see Tara one more time to let her know how sorry he was for what Gemma did and that he finally got justice for Tara's murder.


Sorry I thought about it but I killed off Gemma. Had to. To make my new and second story to work and the way I wanted it to go. Just one more Chapter to work on and I'm done.  Was gonna do 40 chapters but I think one more is good. Feel free to vote or comment. Or both!! Happy Reading!!!

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