Chapter 21

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Standing in the aisle of the drug store Jennifer slowly picked up an pregnancy test off of the shelve. Its only been a week and Jennifer was already few days late. "Well here goes nothing." She said as she walked over to the counter and paid for it.

Just as she walked out she sighs annoyingly as Wendy came walking up." Whatever is is Wendy I'm really not in the mood." She said as she started to walk away.

"He was supposed to be with me." Wendy just blurted out.

Jennifer stops and then quickly turns back around." What the hell you talking about?" Jennifer asked her.

"Jax was supposed to be with me. When Tara died I didn't just get out of rehab early to help out with the boys. I came back for Jax I wanted us to be family again. He was never supposed to be with you." Wendy said as she crossed her arms." Getting him and our family back was the only chance I had left but you came in ruin everything for me." Wendy said as she shook her head.

"Wendy that conversation is between you and him so you can keep me out of it. I am sorry things didn't work out the way you wanted it too but me and Jax are together and your just gonna have to accept it and move on." She said as got into her car and drove off.

"Yeah we will see about that." Wendy said as she watched Jennifer drive off.


Picking up the stick after waiting for two minutes Jennifer closed her eyes for a moment." Well Jen its now or never." She said to herself. Just as she open her eyes and looks down she gasps and laughs as she couldn't believe it. The test was positive. Jennifer was pregnant.

Jennifer grabbed her keys and headed over to the clubhouse to tell Jax the good news.

When Jennifer walked into the clubhouse she rolled her eyes as she saw all the croweaters and half porn stars walking around. Jennifer had gotten used to it by now but doesn't mean she likes it though. Jennifer walked over Chibs." Hey is Jax around?" She asked him.

"Yeah I think he's in his Dorm Las." He said as he pointed down the hall.

"Great thanks Chibs." She said as she walked down the hall and down towards his dorm. Jennifer knocked on it a few times before walking in.

"Is this is a bad time?" Jennifer asked as she closes the door behind her and walked over to him.

Jax shook his head as he reached for her hand and pulled her closer." Of course not babe I just didn't want to be out there right now." He said as he wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her down on his lap." So what's up?" He asked her.

"Well the boys are with Gemma again and I wanted to tell you." She said as she wraps her arms around his neck." I'm pregnant we are pregnant." She said as she smiles softly.

Jax's eyes went big as his grin grew bigger. He kisses her passionately and deeply as he held on to her tightly." Are you sure?" He asked her.

"Yeah I took the test before I came over and it was positive. I'm pregnant Jax." She said as she giggles softly.

Jax cups his hands against her face as he smiles even wider." I love you so much." He said as he caress her face.

"I love you too." Jennifer said as she leans down and kisses him deeply and passionately as she smiles softly against his lips.


"Seriously Gemma how can you let that bitch into Jax's life. When you know damn well I.....?" Wendy started to say but Gemma stopped her.

"That I knew what? Huh?" Gemma asked as she crossed her arms over her chest." That you wanted Jax back? Yeah I knew. I knew the moment you left Rehab early. But I was never gonna let that happen." Gemma said as she stepped closer to Wendy." Losing Tara the way Jax did broke him even killed him inside but Jennifer woken him again made him feel more a life again." She said cooly." Wendy you could never handle this life and there's just too much bad history between you and Jackson. He loves Jennifer and Jennifer loves him. So I suggest you leave them alone and move on before you end up making things worst for yourself sweetheart." She said in an calm voice.

"Abel is my son and I refused to let another woman raise him." Wendy said pointing her finger into Gemma's face." Especially Jennifer." Wendy hissed as she clenched her jaw.

"Well that's up to my son cause he is Abel's father but Abel knows your his mother and Jennifer will never replace you as mother but she will love him as her own." Gemma said looking at her." Just because Jennifer is in that little boy's life and Thomas' nothing changes. Your still his mother." Gemma said as she nods her head

Wendy drops her hand down to her side." Everything has changed Gemna. I've lost Jax once again." She said as she grabbed her bag and shook her head as she walked out of Gemma's place.

As Wendy got into her car she took out an cigeratte and sighs softly as she placed it in her mouth after she lid it up and took a few drags of it she took a deep breathe as she closes her eyes and breathe out as she grabbed her cell and made a call." Hey it's me. Wendy Case.I need a favor." She said as she lean back against the seat.


As Jennifer laid in bed with Jax she started to think about her conversation with Wendy she had earlier and it was starting to get to her. She sat up as she ran her hands through her hair as she blew out a small breathe as she closed her eyes for a moment.

"Babe what is it?" Jax asked as he also sat up and looks over at her." Is it the baby?" He asked with concern.

Jennifer shook her head." No the baby is fine Jax." She said as she ran her hands across her face.

"Then what's wrong?" Jax asked as he raised his eye brow.

"I ran into Wendy as I was coming out of the drugstore and she had things to say." Jennifer said as she placed her hands together and against her mouth.

"What did Wendy say?" Jax asked as he looked over at Jennifer.

"That you were supposed to be with her and the only reason why she got out of rehab early was  not just to help with the boys but to get you back her family back." She said softly.

Jax shook his head." That will never happened me and Wendy are over we have been for a long time now. The only thing we have is Abel." He said as he reaches for her hand." Wendy is just trying to scare you away." Jax said as he kissed the back of her hand.

"She also said I ruined her chance of getting you back." Jennifer said looking down for a moment.

Jax reached over and lifted her chin up with his index finger as he leans forward and kisses her lips softly." You didn't ruin anything babe. You came into my life when it was dark and you made it bright again." He said as he held on to her chin." I am with you not Wendy and whatever she is thinking is on her. She can't hurt us. I won't allow it." He said as he lead back against the headboard and pulled Jennifer closer and kisses the top of her head." You got nothing to worry about." He said holding her close.

"You do know that I have trust issues right?" Jennifer asked looking at him.

Jax chuckled as he nods his head." I know but trust me okay I will never let anything happen to you." He said as he kisses her forehead. Few moments later they drifted off to sleep.

Can I trust you?(Jax Teller and Jennifer Davis)Where stories live. Discover now