Chapter 8

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"Owww My head!" Jennifer Groans in pain as she slowly start awake up." Jax?"She asked in an rasp voice. She starts to look around as she was kinda confused and her head was killing her." What's going on? Where am I?"She asked as she tried to sit up but winches by the pain in her side.

"Relax." He said as he laid her back down." You were attacked. Your in the hospital babe." He said as he grab her hand and holds it tightly."I was so scared Jen. I thought I lost you for a moment." He said as kissed the back of her hand.

"How long was I out?" She asked him.

"For almost six hours babe. Do you remember anything?" He asked her.

"Well I remember getting attached by Xavier and the the next thing I knew everything went black."She said as she sighs softy." I feel so stupid." If I didn't leave the clubhouse I wouldn't be in here right now."She said looking over at Jax." I'm sorry. I should have listen to you.

Jax shook his head as he cup her face against his hand." Your safe and more importantly your alive." He said as he leans over and kisses her softy." Don't worry about this guy. We will get him."he said looking down at her.

Jennifer nods her head as she looks at him." Thanks for being here."She said as she smiles softy." I mean-." She was cut off when Dr. Baker walked in." How you feeling Ms. Davis?" He asked her.

"In pain but luckily to be alive. Doc. So when can I get out of here?"She asked him.

"Well I would like to keep you here over night. But you can go home tomorrow." Jax nods his head and shook the doctor's hand." Thanks Doc." He said as the doctor left.

"I want you to move in me." He suddenly said as he sat back down next her." I can get the guys to help. "He said grabbing her hand again.

"Are you serious?"She asked him. As she arch up her eyes." I mean we are not really together. I mean yeah we had---" She was suddenly cut off as soon as she felt his lips against hers. Jax rest his forehead against hers."Your  my old lady." He said softy. I want you to wear my crow as soon as you get out of here." He said as he strokes her face.

"Oh Jax... I want that too. But I still have a hard time trusting people. Plus I don't know the first thing about being an old lady. I don't even know what that means." He said looking at him.

"My mom can help you in that department and for trusting people. You can always trust me babe." He said as he kisses her deeply and cups her face with his hands again.

"Jackie Boy we gotta go Brother." Chibs said as he walked into the room." Jax nods his head as he stood up." Rest now babe. Get some sleep. I'll check on you later." He said as he kissed her hand and left with Chibs.


Jennifer slowly wakes up as she suddenly jumped once she saw who it was." What the hell you doing here?" She asked glaring at her mother.

"Well it's nice to see you too daughter. I stopped by the store and they said you were here. What happened?" Victoria asked her.

"Not your concern. Why are you really here Victoria?" She asked again.

I was worried about you. I wanted to see how-"

Jennifer cuts her off as she scoffed and shakes her head." Don't pretend like you're my mother. You don't give a Damn about me. You never have. So do  not feed this bullshit telling me you were worried about me. You only worry about your Damn self. Now get the hell out of my room. Before I get you thrown out." She said angrily.


GET OUT!!!!" Jennifer screamed and Victoria just stared at Jennifer and left without saying a word. Jennifer closed her eyes as she could feel the tears starting to fall but quickly wipe them away as soon as Gemma walked in." Hi baby."She said as she closed the door behind her." You doing alright?" She asked her.

"Yeah I'm fine Gemma. I just can't handle my mother right now."She said as she sighs softy." Anyways what's up?" Gemma set her purse down as she sat down." I just wanted to check on you and see how your doing." She said with an warm smile.

"Jax  says I should get his crow as soon as I get out of here." Gemma I have no idea how to be an old lady. I mean when I hear the word old lady the first thing that comes to mind is my.... mother."She said as cringe up her face little.

"Gemma chuckled lightly." In this life it has an whole different meaning and lot of responsibility to." She said.

"Like what?" Jennifer asked curiously.

"Well things like protecting your man at all cause and sometimes your gonna do things you might not wanna do. But it's apart of the life and no matter what never talk to the Fed's or any law." Never become a rat."She said sternly.

"How can I say anything if I don't know anything."She said as she chuckled little.

"Have him tell you everything. Full closure. This is the only way this will work with him sweetheart. He has to tell you the whole truth. No truth no pussy. If you love the man. Learn to love the club."She said as she nods her head.

Jennifer looks at Gemma as she nods her  head slightly. Jennifer just hopes she can handle it.

Can I trust you?(Jax Teller and Jennifer Davis)Where stories live. Discover now