Chapter 18

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Ever since Jennifer asked Gemma about Tara and how she really died. Jennifer couldn't stop thinking about it. She walked into the Charming police station and walked over to Chief Unser.

"Hi Chief Unser. Remember me? We met awhile back after my accident. Jax's friend?" She asked him.

"Oh right Jennifer." He said as he shook her hand." What can I do for you sweet heart?" Unser said.

"I was wondering if I can ask you about Tara Knowles. Jax's late wife?" Jennifer asked him.

Um.... Let's go in my office." Unser said leading Jennifer into his office." Have a seat." He said as he closed the door and sit behind his desk." So what do you wanna know?" Unser asked her.

Jennifer sat down as she looked straight at him." Did she really die in an car accident?" She asked him straight forward.

"Who said it was an car accident?" Unser asked shaking head.

She sighs as she looked down for a moment and took a deep breathe before answering." Gemma and Jax." She said looking at him." But I can't shake the feeling it was something lot worse then that." Jennifer said as she pinched the rim of her nose.

Unser sighs as he ran his hand over his face." I'm not sure if I should tell you." He said looking at her." Why do you wanna know now?" Unser asked her.

Jennifer shrugged her shoulders." I don't know..... I guess I am wondering if I can still be his old lady.  I'm from Tree Hill. Its in North Carolina and it's nothing like Charming." She said as she chuckled lightly."Plus Wendy Jax's ex wife thinks I can't make it. She believes I'm gonna end up dead like Tara." She said looking at him.

Unser sighs hard as he looked at and place his hands on his desk." All I can say is that. It's best to talk to Jax. He knows lot more then I do."as he folded his hands togther.

Jennifer nods her head as she got up and grabs her bag." Yeah I guess thanks for your time Chief." She said as she walked out of his office. She then felt her phone going off and saw she got a text from Jax.

Babe are you at the shop?

Um.. Yeah why?

Well  we have the that party at the clubhouse tonight and was wondering if you can  pick few things up on your way over tonight?

Like what?

Beer mostly.

Um.... Yeah I can do that.

Thanks babe. I love you.

Yeah love you too.

After she sent the text she sighs as she drops the cell in her bag and got into her. After she turn the car on and threw her bag in the passagner seat. She drove to the shop.

At the party all Jennifer could think about her conversation with Unser earlier at the station. She took a drink of her beer as she sat back and watch everyone.

Jax walked over to her and kisses her cheek." What's on your mind babe?" He asked as he sat down next to her.

Jennifer just shook her head." You know my mom and the fact I'm gonna lose my company." She said as she took another drink of her beer.

"Babe your not gonna......" He tried to say.

"How did Tara really die?" She asked looking at him.

"It was an car accident. Why are you....?" He asked as he raised her his eye brow.

"I can't shake the feeling that its something worse. I'm still wondering if I can handle this." She said looking down.

Jax scoffs as he shook his head." Just let it go Jennifer what happened to Tara was a long time go. Nothing is gonna happen to you." He said as he tries to reached for her hand but she pulled it quickly.

"You don't know that and if you really want me to trust you. I need to know the truth." She said as she shook her head and walked away.

Jax groans with frustration as he ran his hands over his face. He then went to his dorm instead.

Jennifer sat in one of the chairs by the picnic table. She started to think maybe Jax was right and just let it go.

"Shouldn't you be serving drinks not just sitting around?" An crow eater just asked Jennifer.

Jennifer chuckled as she shook her head." Your joking right?" She asked as she got up and shook her head and walked back into the clubhouse. She then walked down the hall into the hall and knocks on Jax's door.

"Its me can I come in?" She asked him.

"Yeah." He said.

Jennifer open his door and walked in as she closed the door behind her." I decided to let it go and I'm not gonna drag up the past." She said as she walked up to him and stood between his legs." I'm sorry." She said softly.

Jax looks up at her as he grabs her face and pulls her down and kisses her deeply and passionately." You do deserve the truth." Can you trust me?" He asked her.

Jennifer sat down next to him." Of course I can and I can handle anything." She said as she place her hand against his face." Just be honest with me babe." She said looking at him.

Jax sighs as he grab her hand and kisses the palm of her hand deeply and looks at her seriously.

"Tara wasn't in an car accident. There was no accident at all. She was murdered." He said truthfully.

Jennifer wasn't sure what to say at first as she was trying to process the news." How....... She clears her throat." How did it Happen?" She asked him.

"She got stabbed with an steak fork in the back of her head. Someone....." He sighs." Someone held her face in the sink water and pludge an fork in her head." Jax could feel the lump in his own throat as he tried to fight the tears.

"Has anyone been able to find the person who did it?" She asked him.

Jax shook his head as he looked down for a moment.

Jennifer grabs his hand as she looked at him." I'm so sorry Jax. I'm sorry for what happened and I'm sorry for doubting you." She said as she kisses his hand.

"I promise you no matter what I will always protect you. I couldn't protect Tara and I should have. But I will do anything to protect you." He said caressing her face.

Jennifer nods her head as she leans in and kisses him deeply. She place her forehead against his." Thank you for being honest with me. I love you." She said as she smiles softly.

"I love you too." He said as he kisses her forehead.

Can I trust you?(Jax Teller and Jennifer Davis)Where stories live. Discover now