Chapter 30

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After spending all day looking through wedding stuff and making last minute plans. Jennifer went back home little after Haley went back to her hotel room. When Jennifer walked into the house she looked around as she closed the door behind her. Once she took off her jacket and hung it up. She started cleaning for tonight. Couple hours later Jennifer was in the kitchen getting the lasagne prepared when she heard the front door opening.

When Jax walked in he could smell the aroma of food in the kitchen. He then lean against the wall of the kitchen as he watched Jennifer." So what you cooking for us tonight?" He asked as he grins.

"Lasagne." She said as she was gratting the cheese." We are having company tonight." She said as she stired the sauce.

"Really... Who?" He asked as he moved away from the wall and walked more into the kitchen.

"My best friend Haley." She said as she look over at him and smiles as she went back to preparing tonight's dinner. After she put the lasagna into the oven. Jennifer started to make the salad when she felt Jax's arms around her waist." You know I'm trying to fix dinner here."She said as she smirks slightly.

Jax leans down as he kissed her shoulder and lightly brushed his beard against her skin." Mhmmm.... How's mama doing?" He asked ignoring what she said few seconds ago.

"I am good."She said as she looks back up to him." Unless you want your dinner to burn. You should let me get back to cooking."She said as she kissed his cheek and went back to finishing making the salad.

Jax just rolled his eyes."Fine I'll let you get back to cooking." He said as he let her go and walked over to the fridge and grabbed an carton of milk. After he took a drink of the milk and put it back into the fridge, he closed it as he lean back against the counter as he kept watching Jennifer.

"So when is your friend coming?" He asked as he rested his hands on the counter.

"She's coming at 8 tonight."She said as she walked over to the sink and washed her hands."I want her to meet you considering she's my maiden of honor."She said as she dried her hands off.

"Why can't we do this another night?" He asked as he raised his eyebrows.

"Because she's here for a couple of days. Besides it's gonna be another few months before she has to come back for the wedding."She said as she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck." Come on Jax. Will you do this for me? Just meet her. Please?"She asked as she smiles slightly.

Jax then nods his head." Alright for you I'll meet her." He said as he leans down and kisses her deeply and passionately. He then kneels down and placed his hands against the side of Jennifer's pregnant stomach. He then leans in and kisses her stomach."Love you baby girl." He said softly as he stood up and winks at Jennifer he walked out of the kitchen.

Jennifer looked over at Haley as she took a drink of her ice tea."  So Haley how's your album going?" She asked.

"Album?" Jax asked as he raised his eye brow. Jennifer nods her head as she looked over at Jax.

"Yeah Haley is like a very famous singer back home." She said as she smiles.

Haley just rolled her eyes as she shook her head."I wouldn't say it like that. I mean this is only my second album I've done in like forever."

"Yeah but you've went on tour and you've done lot of sold out shows back home." Jennifer then took another bite of her chicken as she thought of something." Hey I got an idea. Why don't you sing at our wedding."

Haley arch her eyebrow." Seriously?" She asked as she set her glass of wine down.

"Yeah." She said as she nods her head and looks over at Jax." I mean if your good with that?" She asked him.

Can I trust you?(Jax Teller and Jennifer Davis)Where stories live. Discover now