Chapter 11

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"What do you mean you fired your mother?" Millie asked as she called Jennifer the next day.

" You know exactly what I mean Millie. My mom is no longer working for the company." She said as she walked into the kitchen." But why? What did she do?" Millie asked again.

" What she always does. Always trying to control my life and my company. I wasn't gonna let her do it anymore." She said as she poured some hot coffee.

"So who's gonna help me run the store now that your there?" She asked as she looked around the store. Jennifer chuckled as she took a sip of her coffee." Hire Mouth." She said as she heard foot steps." Hey I gotta go." She said as she hung up.

"Hey there." She said poured Coffee for Jax and handed it over to him and smiles softy." Good morning." She said as she smiles softy.

" Good morning darling." He said as he leans down and kisses her deeply. That made  Jennifer moan softy against his lips. She then groans as she heard his cell go off.

Jax sighs as he answered it." What is it brother?" He asked as he looked at Jennifer.

"We got him. We found him lurking around her store again." Juice said. We have him in garage." He said as he smirks as he watched Tig and Happy tie  Xavier up on the rig." He's not much." He said as he hung up.

Jax hung up as he looks at Jennifer." They got him. He's at the garage." He said as he kisses her cheek and started to walk out.

" I wanna go.".Jennifer said as he followed him.

" No it's too dangerous. You need to stay here." Jax said as he threw his cut on.

Jennifer shook her head." Jax listen I been waiting for three years for this. I want my face to be the very last thing he sees before he dies. I want to get my revenge.I'm going." She said as she grabbed her jacket.

Jax knew better then to argue with her." Okay but you stay close to me." He said as they walked out and over to this bike. Once she got on and held on to him tightly they drove over to TM.

Juice jogged over once Jax pulled into the lot. Juice got closer as Jax parked his bike and killed the engine." They are all inside brother." Jax nods his head okay good." He turned to face Jennifer as Juice walked back into the garage." You ready for this?" He asked her.

Jennifer just nods her head." Let's just get this over with." Jax locked his fingers with hers as they walked into the garage.

Jennifer smirks as she walked up to Xavier." I talked to my mother couple weeks ago. She told me she hired you to break in and beat me to death."She said as Jennifer took the knife from Tig as he backed away." What else did my mother hire you for?" She asked as she pointed the tip of the knife against his side.

" She wanted me to rape you." He said as he smirks slightly." If I didn't know what a slut you were I would have." He said as he laughs evil.

Jax hit him hard with full force in the face." My mother says hi.' Jennifer said as she drove the knife into his side. Jennifer kept stabbing into him as Jax pulled her back.

" It's over he's dead."

Jennifer dropped the knife and fell into Jax's arms as she cried into him as he wraps his arms around him.

" You did good babe." He said as he kisses her forehead and gently rubs her back." Jennifer watched the guys drag his lifeless body out of the garage into the van.

"Take me home." Jax nods his head as he kept his arm around her waist and walked out of the garage with her and over to his bike. Before getting on Jennifer looked up at Jax as she leans up and kisses him deeply and passionately. Jax slowly pulls back as he smiles softy." What was that for?" "

"For being amazing and helping me through all this." She said as she smiles softy." I think I'm finally ready to tell you everything." She said as she smiles softy.

It's been two months already and everything was going well. Jennifer has finally accepted the club and the life. Still has her store and is now officially  Jax's old lady. She got his crow on her side,were she was stabbed. Plus she was sleeping lot  better then she had before in months. Jennifer opened up the shades in her store as she saw a new store cross the street getting ready to open up. She didn't pay much attention to it as she went back to working on her sketches for her new line.

Jennifer looked up and saw Gemma walking in with Abel and Thomas. Jennifer stop working as she walked over to them." Hey guys. What bring you guys here?" She asked as she gave a hug.

"I need some new clothes." Gemma said she handed Thomas over to Jennifer as she started to walk around.

Jennifer nods her head as she walked over to the sofa and sat down with Thomas and Abel."So looks like there's a new store openings up cross the street." Gemma looked out and nods her head." I've noticed. You okay with that?" She asked looking back at Jennifer.

"Don't matter to me as long as they don't take my customers." She sai as she chuckled lightly. Gemma smirks as she nods her head." So you coming to dinner on Sunday?" She asked as she looked through some shirts.

"Yeah. I wouldn't miss it for the world. Is there anything I need to bring?" She asked her. Gemma shook her head." No just yourself. I got everything handled." She said as she smirks.

"Hey Gemma you ready to go?" Jennifer looked up and noticed another woman walking in.

Um... Hi there. I'm Jennifer Davis. Welcome to Clothes over Bros." She said extending her hand.

"Wendy Case." She said not shaking her hand. I'm Abel's mother. She said bluntly.

"Moth----mother?" Jennifer asked as she was more confused then ever."Um.... I thought his mother died." Jennifer said looking back at Gemma.

"She did." Gemma said glaring at Wendy and shook her head as she took Thomas from Jennifer so Jennifer could ring her up. Aftet they left. Jennifer grab her cell and texted Jax.

Who the hell is Wendy Case?

After she sent the text she set the phone down and tried to get back to work.

Can I trust you?(Jax Teller and Jennifer Davis)Where stories live. Discover now