Chapter 16

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"I will have Lowen look through things. Maybe she could help." Jax said as he took a drink of his coffee. It was the next morning and Jennifer and Jax was sitting in the kitchen as Jennifer told him what happened.

"How Jax?"She asked as she got up and set her cup in the sink." Victoria doesn't even living in Charming so exactly how is Lowen gonna help?"She asked as she lean against the kitchen sink.

Jax got up as he walked over to Jennifer and place his hand against her waist." We will figure it out babe." He said as he kisses her gently.

Jennifer slowly nods her head as she looks up at him." Yeah I know."She said as she kisses him back gently." Listen I should get to the store I have new shipments coming in."She said as she grabbed her bag and keys and left the house.

Walking into her store she walked over to the counter and set everything down and looked around." Again my store my company."She said as she opened up her sketch book again.

"Delivery for Ms. Davis." The delivery man said as Jennifer turn around." Oh great my materials are here. Just sit them over there."She said pointing over to her counter. After signing the invoice and after the delivery man left. Jennifer started to open the box as she heard the door open again.

"Welcome to Clothes over Bros. May... I..... help you." She said as she turned around and sighs as she saw who it is was." Dad what you doing?"She asked him.

"What? I can't see my little girl?" He asked he looked around the store." Nice store. Your really do have your own business your mom wasn't lying."He said as he chuckled lightly.

"Of  course your here because of mom."She said as she shook her head." Are you here to tell me I should sign my company over to her? Cause there's no way I'm going too."She said as she crossed her arms around her chest.

"Of course not sweetie. But you're mom won't give up and she really wants this company. So...."

"Oh my God!" You gotta be joking me. I'm not signing my company over to her." Jennifer said as she hissed angrily. You know you and mom are unbelievable. Growing up you both were never there. With you on your business trips and mom off doing what she wanted I basically grew up without any parents doing whatever I wanted. I finally do something I wanted to do like start my own company and now Victoria wants to take it away. I'm sorry dad but it's no It's not gonna happen."She said turning back to her materials.

"I'm just gonna go then." He said as he walked out the store and over to his car. He pulled out his cell and called Victoria." I couldn't talk to her." He said as he got into the drivers seat.

"Damn it Ted. I asked you to do this one thing for me. Get her to sign the company over and you couldn't even do that. Never mind I will handle it myself." Victoria said as she hung up."Looks like I'm gonna have to knock some sense into my daughter. Cancel my meetings for the next three days. I'm going back to Charming."She said as she left.

Walking into the clubhouse Jennifer walked over to Jax and sat down next to him as he raised his eye brow for a moment.

"I thought you were gonna be at the store all day." He said looking at her.

"Yeah no I decided to close early. Can I get some coffee?" She asked one of the prospects.

"Babe what happened?" He asked as he knows she wouldn't close up early unless she had a reason too.

"My dad showed up." She said as she took a drink of her coffee.

"Your father?" He asked as he little confused.

"Yeah Victoria sent him to talk to me into signing over my company." She said as she chuckled and shook her head.

"Can she really do that? I mean can she really take your company?" Tig asked. Jennifer didn't know he was sitting at the bar as well.

"She's trying to." Jennifer said as she pinched the bridge her nose.

"Want any help handling your mother?" Tig asked.

"Thanks Tig but I think I can handle my own mother." She said as she took another drink of her coffee.

Jennifer has only been with Jax for couple of months now and she has finally gotten used to the club.

"Daddy!" Abel ran over to Jax as Jax picked him up and kissed his cheek." Hey monster man." He said as looked over as Wendy walked over witb Thomas." Thanks for dropping them off.

Jennifer got up and took Thomas from Wendy and sat down and set him on her lap.

"Can I talk to you?" Wendy asked him ignoring Jennifer which made Jennifer laugh little.

"Sure." Jax said as he set Abel down." I will be right back. " He said as he kisses Jennifer cheek.. "Stay with Jennifer." He told Abel as he walked outside with Wendy.

"What's up?" He asked her.

"Okay I'm gonna be very blunt about this. I don't think Jennifer should be around Abel it was bad enough Tara was around him and now Jennifer?" She asked.

"Jesus seriously this again?" He asked as he scoffed." Jennifer is great with Abel and its really none of your business who my kids are around with for that matter." He said as he crossed his arms.

"It is when it comes to my son. I don't want her playing mother with Abel. With Thomas that's fine but I just got Abel back. I'm begging you Jax don't let her take my place in my son's life." She said pleading.

" She's not taking your place Wendy. Abel knows who you are. Jennifer will never do that to you." He said looking at her.

" Good cause if she ever tries to play mother to my son I will do what I should have done when Tara was a live take legal action and take my son away from you from her and this Damn club." She said as she walked away.

Jax growls angrily as he watched Wendy driving off.

"Everything okay brother?" Tig asked as he walked out the clubhouse.

"Yeah everything is fine brother." He said as he walked back into the clubhouse and sat back down next to Jennifer and lifted Abel up.

"Everything okay babe?"She asked him

"Yeah everything is all good." He said as he kissed he forehead.

Can I trust you?(Jax Teller and Jennifer Davis)Where stories live. Discover now