Chapter 29

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Jennifer slowly woke up and noticed Jax wasn't in the bed with her. She then got up and threw an robe on as she made her way out of the room and into the kitchen. She then saw Gemma standing over the stove." Morning." Jennifer said as she walked over to the fridge and got herself an glass of ice tea." Where's Jax?" She asked as she made her way back to the kitchen table and sat down.

"He had business to handle up at Disoa today." Gemma said as she served Jennifer two eggs and bacon.

"Thanks." Jennifer said as soon as Gemma set her plate down in front of her. Gemma then sat across from her as she took a sip of her coffee.

"So how did you sleep last night?" Gemma asked.

Jennifer took anothet drink of her ice tea as she nods her head."I slept fine." She said as she started to take another bite of her eggs.

Gemma then nods her head as she set her coffee down." So why did you leave last night?" Gemma asked right away." You basically left the party without saying anything. Did something happen?" She asked.

Jennifer then shook her head." No. Not really. I mean I left mostly because I was tired." She said as she finished her breakfast. She really left because of what happened between Jax and that crow eater. Or what she thought had happen." Listen later today I'm having my best friend Haley help me with the wedding stuff. She's gonna meet me at the store later." Jennifer said as She got up from the table and walked over to the sink and set her plate along with her glass in the sink.

"Haley... Your friend from high school?" Gemma asked." She's coming here? To Charming?" She asked as she looked over at Jennifer.

Jennifer then nods her head as she walked over to the counter to unplug her cell." Yeah she's maiden  of honor." She said as she checked her cell and noticed she got a text from Haley letting Jennifer know she's 30 mins away. "I gotta go." She said as she set her cell in her back pocket.

She then grabbed her stuff and keys." We will talk later." She said as she walked out of the front door and headed towards her BMW wagon.

As Gemma watched Jennifer walking out. She couldn't help but wonder why Jennifer seemed so distant all of sudden. She also can't help but wonder if Jennifer is hiding something from her. As she finished her coffee she went to check on Thomas before waking up Abel.

As she walked back into the living room when Nita their nanny walked in.She handed Thomas to her." Mind watching them?" She asked as she grabbed her handbag and keys.

"Sure. Where you going?' Nita asked.

"I gotta go to the office." She said as she walked out of the door. She can't help the feeling she's getting that Jennifer is hiding something from her and she's not liking it one bit.


Later in the afternoon both Jennifer and Haley was going through wedding stuff. Jennifer then walked over to Haley and sat down next to her as she found what she wanted for the wedding." I want blue and white for my wedding." She said as she smiles excitedly.

Haley was in the middle of the guest list as she looked over at Jennifer's wedding book." That looks actually amazing." She said as she went back to the list." Okay... We so far have my family and our friends coming to the wedding so far. Who is coming?" Haley asked.

"Um well there's Millencent and Mouth. They are coming. Other then that I have no idea honestly." Jennifer said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"What about your parents?"

"Probably not. I haven't talked to my dad in almost a year and Victoria hasn't called or anything since the last time I talked to her. So no they won't be coming." She said as she was going through the wedding book." Hey how long are you in town for?" Jennifer asked as she looked over at Haley.

"Just a few days. Why?" She asked as she looked over at Jennifer again.

"I want you to meet Jax tonight." She said as she smiles as she took her phone out and pulled up a picture of him on her phone." Here." She said as she handed her cell over to Haley.

As soon as Haley saw the photo of Jax she looks over at Jennifer as she smirks slightly" Damn Jen. It's no wonder why you don't wanna come home again. He's definitely hot." She said as she giggles." How did you guys meet again exactly?" She asked.

"Couple weeks after I moved out here and open my store. Jax and some of his brothers came in and checked out my store and offered protection for my store." She said as she looked around for a moment." You know. It's funny. I mean I move into a small town to start over and open up my new store. I never thought I would actually meet someone and actually settling down. Until I met Jax." She said as she looked down and smiles softly as she looked up again." Haley he has changed my life and not only that. But he saved me."

Haley nods her head as she was listening to Jennifer." And you trust him completely?" Haley asked.

"Well... Not completely but I am getting there. I just haven't really open up and quite let him in all the way just yet." Jennifer said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"So... He has no idea about the son you gave up for adoption in high school?" Haley asked as she arched her eye brow.

Jennifer shook her head." No he doesn't. So when you meet him tonight promise me you won't bring it up." She said as she pointed her index finger at Haley." As a matter of fact that's something he doesn't need to know." She said as she lowered her index finger.

Haley shook her head as she was confused for a moment." Is there a reason why you won't tell him?"

Jennifer sighs deeply." Because it's in the past and it's done. There's nothing I can do to change it. "She said as she shrugged her shoulders again." He doesn't need to know all he needs to know is what I've told him already."

"Which... is?"

"That I wasn't sure if I ever was gonna get pregnant."

"So.. You basically lied to him then." Haley said as she shook her head.

Jennifer then nods her head." Basically yeah I did." She said as she looked over at Haley." Look when the time is right I will tell him. Just not yet. I'm not ready." She said as she went back to the wedding book.

Haley then nods her head once more and decided to change the subject." When time should I come over?" She asked.

"I'm thinking 8 o'clock should be good. I'm making lasagne for dinner tonight." She said as she smiles sheeplessly.

"Wow your cooking. I thought you couldn't cook." Haley said as she smirks once more.

"Yeah Well you know since I'm gonna be Jax's wife in a few months. I gotta start cooking some how. His mom has been teaching me." She said as she nods her head.

After spending all day looking through wedding stuff and making last minute plans. Jennifer went back home little after Haley went back to her hotel room. When Jennifer walked into the house she looked around as she closed the door behind her. Once she took off her jacket and hung it up. She started cleaning for tonight. Couple hours later Jennifer was in the kitchen getting the lasagne prepared when she heard the front door opening.

When Jax walked in he could smell the aroma of food in the kitchen. He then lean against the wall of the kitchen as he watched Jennifer." So what you cooking for us tonight?" He asked as he grins.

"Lasagne." She said as she was gratting the cheese." We are having company tonight." She said as she stired the sauce.

"Really... Who?" He asked as he moved away from the wall and walked more into the kitchen.

"My best friend Haley." She said as she look over at him and smiles as she went back to preparing tonight's dinner.

Will continue this last part in the next chapter. For all of those who are enjoying this story is truely amazing!!! Keep the votes coming and please please send some comments! I really wanna know what you all think of my story. Happy Reading!!!!!

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