Chapter 13

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Hey Guys sorry for the late update!!! Thank you so much for the votes and Everyone reading this story!!!!

Jennifer was still up waiting for Jax to come home. To get her mind off of what Wendy was telling her she decided to do some reading but of course that didn't help either. She was staring at the same page for like over an hour when she heard the front door open. She looked up as Jax walked in." Hey your kinda late."She said as she closed the book.

Jax took his cut off and hangs it up as he walked over to her and bends down and kisses her cheek." Yeah sorry things were running late. Is there still dinner?" He asked her.

Jennifer slowly nods her head." Yeah it's warming up in the oven. She said as she got up and kisses him softy." I'm gonna get some sleep. I'm kinda tired."She said walking towards the room she is now sharing with Jax.

" Hey is everything okay?" Jax asked.

Jennifer turns around as she nods her head." Yeah everything is fine babe. I'm just little tired that's all."She said as she smiles softy and continue to head toward their room.

Jennifer knows she won't be able to keep her conversation with Wendy to herself but she just didn't feel like talking about it tonight or for at least right now. She sighs softy as she laid down. Listening to Jax in the kitchen and then fell asleep few moments later.

Jax could feel the tension as he walked into the house and he could feel Jennifer has put up her wall again. As he walked into the room and took off his shirt and pants. Leaving just his briefs on he crawled into bed next to Jennifer. He slowly pulls her closer and held her close as he kisses her forehead and fell asleep next to her.


Jennifer left before Jax woke up. She had lot on her mind and she didn't want to talk to him about it right now. But she did leave him a note before slipping out of the door. Working on the new dress she was sewing up she heard the door open." I'll be right there."She called from the back. As she walked in she saw Gemma walking in." Hey Gemma what can I do for you? Shopping for new clothes?"She asked as she smiles and walked over to Gemma.

" Actually I was looking for you. I  came to the house this morning and Jax said you left without talking to him. Is everything okay?"She asked as she looked over at her." Did something happen between you two?"She asked again.

Jennifer shook her head." No nothing happened everything is fine. I just got lot on my mind. That's all. Besides I left him a note this morning."She said walking back to her counter.

"Listen Gemma I gotta lot to do and I really can't  talk right now."She said turning her attention to her computer.

Gemma nods her head." I'll let you get back to work then. But if you wanna talk I will be at the office all day." She said as she walked out of Jennifer's store. Gemma could tell something was off with her she just wish she knew what it was though.

Later that night after Jennifer closed up and got into her car she grabbed her cell as soon as she heard it going off." Hey I was just about to head home."She said as she started the engine.

" Come to the clubhouse instead. So we can talk. Wendy is with the boys tonight." Jax said.

Once Jennifer heard Wendy's name she rub the bridge of her nose as she sighs softy and then nods her head." Yeah I'm on my way."She said as she hung up and then pulled away from the curb and drove over to the clubhouse.


Walking into the clubhouse Jennifer looked around and noticed all the crow eaters and some girls around she never met before or even seen before. She then noticed Chibs and Tig at the bar. She walked over to them." Is Jax around?" Jennifer asked.

Chibs nods his head." He's in his room Lass. He's expecting you."

Jennifer nods her head." Thanks."She said as she walked down the long ball towards his room. She could feel Eyes watching her but Jennifer decided to ignore them.

Jennifer walked in and closed the door behind her." Hey babe."She said as she kissed him gently.

" What happened last night with Wendy?" He asked straight away.

" Nothing we just talked. Why did she say something?" Jennifer asked him.

" She said you were kinda rude to her." Jax said taking a drag from his cigeratte.

Jennifer rolled her she chuckled lightly." That's understatement."She said as she sat down on the bed." But that's not what happened."She said looking over at him.

"So what happened exactly?" Jax asked as he walked over and sat down beside her.

" You really  wanna know?"She asked him.

" That's why I'm asking."He said looking at her.

Jennifer sighs softy." I think she feels threaten by me. She thinks I'm trying to be Abels mother and she believes I'm not going to make it as your old lady. Her exact words were I might end up just like your late wife... Dead."She said looking at him.

Jax took her hand and kisses it softy as he breathe against her hand." Listen you're the strongest woman I've ever met. There's nothing you can't handle and no matter what I will always protect you."He said as he pulled her over to his lap." Abel loves you and he knows your not trying to take Wendy's place."He said as he pushes some of her hair over her ear." Don't worry about Wendy she's trying to get back into my life but she knows nothing will ever happen between us. The only thing we have in Common is Abel and that's it. It's been over between us for a long time."He said as he leans in and kisses her deeply and passionately as he cups her face."I'm with you now and she can't handle it."

Jennifer nods her head as she gently stroke his beard as she smirks slightly." Well I guess she's just gonna have to get used to seeing me around cause I ain't going anywhere."

Jax grins as he crashed his lips against hers and kisses her harder and passionately.

Can I trust you?(Jax Teller and Jennifer Davis)Where stories live. Discover now