Chapter 3

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Its already been an week since Jennifer was at the party at the clubhouse. A week since she talked to Jax and she still couldn't stop thinking about him. His smile . The way he felt when they hugged each other. The smell of Jack Daniels and cigarettes was toxicating and it was over whelming for her. She is falling for him and it scared the shit out of her since she doesn't trust anyone and she doesn't let anyone in.

Ring Ring- Jennifer reached for her phone and as she looked at it. She didn't recognize the number. She sighs as she finally decided to answer."Um.. Hello." She said nervously.

"Remember me?" The man asked as Jennifer suddenly frozen up and felt an lump in her throat.  She then sighs again as she clears her throat before answering him." How can I forget. You broke into my shop and beat the hell out of me and basically left me for dead." Jennifer said angry." I have no idea how you got this number but stay the hell away from me!" She shouted as she hung up and threw her cell across the store and almost hit Jax as he walked in. Luckily he  caught it before it hit his face.

" You okay there?" He asked as he raised his eyebrow and walked over to her as he set her phone down.

Jennifer shook her head." Not really." She said looking away as she quickly wipe her tears away." Sorry for throwing the phone at you." She said as she chuckled lightly.

"I had worse things thrown at me. So I'm cool with it ." He said as he laughs little and smirks slightly." So wanna tell me why you decided to throw your phone across the room." He said staring at her.

"Not really." She said looking down as she picked the edge of her counter trying to avoid eye contact with him.

Jax reached over and gently place his finger under her chin and lifted her face up so he can see her eyes." Hey talk to me." He said soothingly

Jennifer sighs as she shook her head and moved away from him." Jax I can't." She said walking past him. She then felt his hand against hers. She sighs more as she looked at his hand and then back at him as she could feel tears coming down her face.

Jax gently wipe her tears with his thumb." There's an reason why you threw it." He said softly. So talk to me. I got time." He said as he gently stroke her face with his thumb.

Jennifer sighs once again as she realized she wasn't gonna get out of the conversation. She then sat down on the couch she bought for her store." Few years ago back at home my store was broken into well actually not really broken into. Before I had an chance to walk out. I was attacked. It happened so fast. I woke up with bruises all over my body. My legs and my back. I even had two black eyes." She said looking down and then slowly back at him." I use to have these nightmares after it happen and I couldn't get it out of my head. I started to go to therapy and it kinda helped cause the nightmares stop. Until recently."

"What you mean?" He asked as he sat down next to her.

" Well the thing is that. When we first met and you offered protection for my shop and to make sure there wasn't any break ins. My nightmares started to come back and I barely sleep anymore." She said looking down." He called before you walked in my attacker and that's why I threw the phone." She said as she closed her eyes as she started to feel the tears starting to build up.

"I don't want you to be alone tonight stay with me at the clubhouse." He said as he grabbed her hand and stroking her nuckles with his thumb.

"Jax I don't know I mean we still don't know about each other and I don't want to be an burden." She said looking at him.

"Your coming with me. Your not gonna be alone tonight." Jax--". She started to say

but Jax shook his head." I'm not taking no for an answer." He said looking at her. Jennifer then nods her head." Okay I will be there after I close up." Jax nods his head as he stood up and leans down as he pressed his lips against her forehead." I'll see you tonight darlin." He said as he left her store.

Jennifer walked out of his bathroom wearing short an long t-shirt with the name Samcro on it. That Jax gave her since she didn't really bring anything." Is this okay?." Jennifer asked as him as she slowly walked over to his bed.

"Looks good on you." Said as he smirks slightly and moved over to make room for Jennifer to join him. He was wearing nothing but his briefs. He slowly reached for her hand as he smiles softy.

Jennifer slowly took his hand and climbed into bed with him. As she laid down next to him as she started to think of something to say." Thank you."She said softy.

"For what Darling?"

For helping me and for letting me stay here tonight. Even though there's still lot about me you don't know yet."She said softy. Jax gently pulled her closer as he gently stroke her face." We got plenty of time for that."He said as he kisses her forehead gently once more.

Jennifer nods her head as she placed her head against his shoulder and her rested her hand against her chest. She slowly started to fall asleep against him.

Jax slowly woke up the next morning and noticed Jennifer was already gone. He sighs as he wipe his face with his hand and grabs one of his cigerattes. After lighting he sat up and took few drags out of it. Jax laid back against the headboard as he started to think about Jennifer. He wanted to feel her again. He wanted to kiss her more then anything. He just wish she would open up to him more.


Can I trust you?(Jax Teller and Jennifer Davis)Where stories live. Discover now