Chapter 25

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"Did he really ask you to marry him?" Gemma asked as she raised her eye brow and grins. She grabs Jennifer's hand as she took a look closer of the ring." Damn my son definitely have good taste." She said as she chuckled.

Jennifer slowly nods her head as she pulled her hand back." Yeah I guess he does." Jennifer said Calmly." I don't wanna marry him just yet. I think its best if we wait." She said as she walked back around the counter.

"Wait for what?" Gemma asked as she put her brows together as she was little confused.

Jennifer sighs softly as she looked over at her." Until I know I can fully trust him and I don't wanna marry him until he has offically cut all ties with Collette." She said in an seriously tone." Part of me wants him to cut all ties with Wendy but I can't do that to Abel. Collette is a different story."

"Baby my son loves you. He hasn't felt this way about anyone since Tara. Your the best thing that has ever happened to him and I know he's the best thing that has ever happened to you." She said as she smiles softly as she nods her head." You can trust him and trust me when I tell you he's not sleeping with her."

Jennifer sighs as she rubbed the bridge of her nose." I honestly hope your right Gemma. I can't do another love triangle again. I've done that with my best friend and her husband back in high school and I told myself if I was gonna fall in love again I was gonna make sure the man I'm with isn't involved with anyone else." She said looking at Gemma.

"Wait back up for a moment. You slept with your best friends husband in high school?" Gemma asked all confused.

"No. He was my boyfriend on and off until my best friend... Until she confessed her true feelings to him." Jennifer said as she sighs softly.

"So that's where Clothes over Bros came from then." Gemma said as she took a look around. "Cause you tired of getting your heart broken."

Jennifer nods her head." Yeah something like that." She said as she smirks little." I love your son Gemma there's no doubt about that. But I still don't know if I can truly trust him." She said softly.


"So you popped the question huh?" Chibs asked as he grins and pat on Jax's back." Good for you Brother Jennifer is a good girl." He nods his head as he took a sip of his beer.

Jax nods his head." Yeah she is and I love her. I'm in love with her." He said as he lit up his cigeratte." I'm always gonna love Tara and miss her everyday. But I need to move on." He said as he took a drag and blew out the smoke from his nose and mouth.

"Aye."Chibs said as he nods his head again." What you gonna do about Collette though?" He asked.

Jax just shrugged his shoulders." Honestly I don't know but I will figure something out though." He said as he took another drink of his beer.

"Why don't you let me handle her." Tig spoke up as he smirks." I can take Ms. Collette off of your hands." He said with an cheeky smile.

Jax arches his eye brow." You think you can handle that brother?" He asked as he smirks.

"Hey I can handle any woman. Question is can she handle me?" He asked as he grins.

"I'm sure she can Tiggy." Jax said as shook his head." If you wanna be her new partner I can set that up." He said as he smirks.

"Set what up?" Jennifer asked as soon as she walked into the clubhouse and over to Jax." What's up guys?" She asked as she felt Jax 's arm around her waist.

"Hey babe." Jax said as he kissed her cheek." Tiggy here wants to be Collette's new partner and I was gonna set that up." He said looking over at Tig.

Jennifer looks over at Tig as she nods her head in approval." Good for you Tig." She said as she grins.

"You okay with that babe?" Jax asked as he looks at her for a moment.

Jennifer nods her head." Hey as long as she stays away from you. I'm good." She said as she smiles.

Tig nods his head and chuckled." You got yourself a good woman there Jax." He said as he winks at her." But you know if he gives you any trouble doll, you can always come to old Tiggy here." He said as he laughs.

Jennifer shook her head." Thanks but I'm good right here." She said as she rest her arm on Jax's shoulder." But I'm flattered.

"Hey brother hands off of my old lady."Jax said as he glares at Tig as he kept Jennifer closer to him.

Tig threw his hands up as he surrdered." Hey brother calm down there. I'm just messing with her. I will never steal your old lady." He said as he chuckled lightly.

Chibs just gotten off of the phone." That was Laroy there's something going on with the shipment. He needs us up in Oakland now." He said looking over at Jax and Tig.

"Shit okay." Jax said as he looked at Jennifer as he sighs softly." Sorry babe but I gotta handle this." He said as he kissed her cheek." I will be home later. He said as he left with Chibs and Tig.

Jennifer sat at the bar in the clubhouse as she turned to Half-Sac." Can I get a water?"

He nods his head as he gave her the water." So you and Jax gonna tie the knot?" He asked

Jennifer nods her head." Yeah I guess you can say that." She said as she took a drink of her water.

"Well I'm happy for you guys. Welcome to the family." He said as he grins at her.

"Thanks Kip and thanks for the water." Jennifer said as she got up and walked out of the clubhouse.  As she walked back to her car she felt her cell going off. She noticed it was unknown number. But she just shook her head and hit ignore. She decided if it was important they will leave a voicemail.

As she got into her car she looked through her cell and called her other best friend Haley to give her the good news.

Can I trust you?(Jax Teller and Jennifer Davis)Where stories live. Discover now