Chapter 33

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"So when is Jax and Jennifer coming home from their honeymoon?" Lyla asked. Jax and Jennifer went to Florida for their honeymoon and they been gone for a few weeks now.

"They should be home tomorrow." Gemma said as she set Abel's chocolate chip pancakes in front of him. She then walked over to the coffee and poured herself another cup of coffee.

Lyla nods her head as she set Cate lynn in her playpen that was set up in the corner."I bet your excited to have them home." Lyla said as she stood against the kitchen chair.

Gemma slowly nods her head as she took a sip of her coffee." I am it's just I wish they didn't have to go all the way to Florida to have their honeymoon. They could have just gone up to the cabin to have their honeymoon."

"Oh come on Gemma at least they had an honeymoon. A)l me and Ope had was just a wedding." Lyla said as she chuckled and picked up Catelynn from her playpen.

"I am gonna go put Catelynn down for a nap. Don't worry to much."Lyla chuckled again as she walked out of the kitchen and down the hall to Catelynn nursery.

Driving back to Charming after being gone for a few weeks Jennifer looks over at Jax for a moment as she then looked over at her window.

"Happy to be home?"

"Yeah. But I am gonna miss Florida though."

Jax nods his head as he grabbed her hand and lift it up against his lips." Me too babe." He grins as he drove pass the Welcome to Charming sign.

Walking into the door with Jax following behind closing the door. Jennifer set her suitcases down.

"We are home! Where's everyone?"

"In the kitchen." Gemma answered.

Both Jax and Jennifer walked into the kitchen as soon as Gemma and Lyla walked up to them and gave them a hug.

"Welcome home. How was Florida?" Lyla asked as she beam with excitement.

"It was beautiful. Like seriously Lyla. You would have loved it." Jennifer said as she sat down.

"Where's the kids?"

"Catelynn is taking a nap and the boys are at school. I'm about to pick them up now." Gemma said as she grab her handbag." Glad your home sweet heart." She said as she kissed Jennifer's cheek.

"Thanks Gemma."

"Thanks for everything mom." Jax said as he gave his mom a quick on the cheek.

"Stopping by the clubhouse later?"

"Probably." Jax said as he nods his head.

When Gemma closed the front door behind her Jennifer walked out into the living room." Are you going to the clubhouse?"

Jax shook his head as he walked over to Jennifer." Not until later. Why don't we spend some alone time before the kids come home?" He asked as he smirks.

Jennifer gently bit her bottom lip as she slowly wrap her arms around his neck.

"I was so hoping you would say that."

Chuckling Jax lifted Jennifer up and off the ground. Wrapping her legs around his waist Jax started to suck on her neck as he walked down the hall into their bedroom.


Jennifer waited up for Jax to come home. It was almost two in the morning when Jax finally came into the door.

"Hey." She said softly as she walked up to him and places her hands against his chest. She then saw that look on his face. "Jax what is it?"

Jax didn't say anything as he wasn't sure how to tell her. He closed his eyes trying to fight the tears that started to form into his eyes. Pulling himself together. Jax slowly opened his eyes and exhaled deeply.

"I know who killed Tara." He said low with sadness in his voice.

Jennifer eyes went wide as she gasps." What? Who?"

"Gemma." He said darkly and walked away from Jennifer. Walking into the kitchen he opened the fridge and grabbed a beer. After he got the beer opened Jax walked over to the table and sat down taking a long drink of his beer.

Trying to wrap around her head what Jax just said. She slowly walked into the kitchen and slowly over to the table and sat down across from him. Resting her hands down on the table." Are you sure?" She asked.

Jax set his bottle down and nods his head." I'm hundred percent sure it was my crazy insane mother murdered my wife." He said angrily and with so much vendom into his voice.

"What--- How?" Jennifer asked as she was trying to understand all of this."I mean did she tell you what happened?"She asked again.

Jax shook his head." No. It was the club. That's what the urgent church was about. Couple weeks ago while we were in Florida. Gemma came into the clubhouse one day and started acting funny. Juice said she wasn't acting like herself and that's when she told them. She murdered Tara few years ago." He finished his beer and tossed the bottle into the trash can before getting up to grab another one out of the fridge.

"I don't get it. Why would Gemma murder your wife?"She asked as she was so confused about all of this.

"That's what I need to find out. I need you to call Gemma tomorrow and have her meet you at your shop tomorrow. Just tell Gemma you got some new clothes or some shit that you want to show her. But when she shows up I'm gonna be there." He said as he placed his cigarette between his lips and light it up.

"What you gonna do?"She asked as she shook her head.

"To finally get some answers about why my Wife was killed." He said as he took a drink of his beer. Getting up Jax tossed his second bottle into the trash can and finished up his cigarette."I am gonna go take a shower really quick and get some sleep." He said as he leans down and kissed her cheek walking out of the kitchen and down the hall towards the bathroom.

Jennifer exhaled deeply as she buried her face into her hands. She could feel her stomach starting to churn as she learned her own mother in law actually murdered her own sons wife. The memory of Wendy warning her that she should get out before she ends up like Tara which is dead. Jennifer started to wonder if Wendy knew about what really happened to Tara three years ago. She is also starting to wonder if she should just take her daughter and get the hell out of Charming before she is killed too.


I Know I haven't been putting a lot of drama into this story. But I am now. 6.35 K!!! Thanks everyone for reading and voting on this Story!! Got few more Chapters to work on and this story will finally be completed. Also I am working on a second story called Can I still trust you? Part 2 of Can I Trust You? So make sure you keep an eye out for that. In the meantime hope you guys enjoy this Chapter. Leave votes and Comments if you guys want. Happy Reading!!!!

Can I trust you?(Jax Teller and Jennifer Davis)Where stories live. Discover now