Chapter 10

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"Your pretty." Abel said to Jennifer has he sat down next to her while they all hung around in the living room eating pizza and watching a movie. Gemma brought the boys home so Jennifer could meet them.

"Well thank you. Your quite the charmer just like your dad." She looks over at Jax as she chuckled lightly as he just rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Are you gonna marry him and be my new mom?" Abel asked again.

Jennifer was completely caught off guard with his question." Um.... Well I...."

"Slowly down little man. We haven't talked about that just yet." Jax said as Jennifer couldn't find the words to say.

"Hey baby its getting late. It's time for bed." Gemma said as she got up with Thomas.

"Good night Jennifer." Abel says as he gave her a hug and a kiss on her cheek." Good night buddy." Jennifer said as she hugs him back.

"Good night little monster." Jax said as Abel gave him a hug." Marry her daddy." He whispers in Jax's ear and then followed Gemma down the hall.

"He's very resourceful." She said as she laughs lightly." They are great kids Jax." She said as she sat down next to him." So marriage huh?" She asked him as she smirks.

"Yeah I don't know were he got that idea." Jax said as he laughs and wraps his arms around her and kisses her temple.

"Have you thought about it?" Jennifer asked him as she leans back against him.

"About what? He asked her.

"Well about marriage have you thought about it?" She asked looking at him." I mean do you see us getting married?" She asked again as she smiles softly.

Jax gently stroke her cheek with his hand." I see it. I see it every day I'm with you." He said as he kisses her softly." With everything going on though its just not the right time. But that doesn't mean I don't want to marry you cause I do. I just want to find the perfect moment to ask." He said as he kisses her again deeply and held her closer.

Jennifer slowly nods her head as she looks at him." Your mom says in order for this to work. For us to work. I need to know everything. The whole truth. The full closure she says." She looking at him.

Jax sighs as he sat up and looks at Jennifer." Are you sure you wanna know everything?" He asked her.

"I just need to know if I can handle being your old lady Jax." She said as she looks at him more.

Jax slowly took her hand and kisses the back of her hand softly." I think you can handle it. You can handle anything babe." He said as he kisses her cheek. "This life can be dangerous and sometimes deadly. But no matter what I will always protect you and keep you safe. I promise you that." He said as he kisses her softly.

Jennifer slowly nods her head." I know you will babe." She said as she kisses him deeply. She slowly breaks away as soon as her cell went off again.

"Its my mother." She said as she sighs softly. She looks over at Jax." I should take this." She said as she got up and walked into the kitchen and answered.

"What mother." Jennifer said as she sat down in the chair.

"Where are the sketches? I need them for the meeting tomorrow." Victoria asked as she looked through Jennifer's stuff.

"Are you at my store?!" Jennifer asked as she could hear her mother going through everything. " Don't touch anything I will be right there." Jennifer hangs up and grabs her keys. Walking back into the living room she grabs her jacket." I gotta go to the store. Before my mother destroys it." She said as she puts on her jacket.

" I'm coming with you." He said as he got up and grabs cut and puts it on. Walked out of the door as Jennifer followed him closing the door behind her. Once she put on his helmet and climbs on the back of his bike. Jennifer held on to him tightly as he started the bike and speed down the street.


"Mom stop looking before you destory my store." Jennifer walked in with Jax behind her." Besides they are not in there." She said as she walked past Victoria and into the back. Victoria then followed behind her.

"So when you coming home?" Victoria asked.

"I'm not. This is my home now." Jennifer said as she found the sketches and gave them to her." You know no matter what you do or say. This will always be my company. Not ours. Mine!" Jennifer hissed." Those are my sketches my ideas. So don't even think about taking credit. Now you got them. You can leave now." Jennifer said as she walked back to the front.

"Do you really think he's gonna keep you safe?" Victoria asked as she placed her hands against her hips." He couldn't safe you from  Xavier." She retorted.

"How the hell did you even know that?" Jennifer asked as she she crossed her arms across her chest." You weren't even there. So how would you know?" She asked her.

"I'm the one who gave him your number when he got out." Victoria said as she looked at Jennifer.

"You what?!" Jennifer asked as she yelled." Why in the hell would you do that?" She asked her again." Don't you remember what he did to me three years ago?" She asked as she glares at her.

"I'm the one who told him to break in. I wanted to scare you. I wanted to get you back to New York." She said admittedly.

"So let me get this straight.... You tell an strange man who you never met before to break into my store?" She asked as she shook her head." Did you tell him to beat the hell out of me too?"

"No I never asked for that. I only asked him to break in and to scare you. I never meant for......"

SMACK!!! Jennifer smacked her mother cross her face." Don't call me. Don't come visit. I want you out of my life." Jennifer hissed again. You are fired. Now get the hell out of my store." Jennifer hissed with between her teeth.

Victoria sighs as she looked over at Jennifer and Jax who pulled Jennifer next to him." You heard her." He said.

"Whatever." Victoria said as she walked out of the store.

Jennifer fell against Jax and started to cry as Jax held on to her tightly and kisses the top of her head." Come on let's get you home babe." He said walking her out.

Can I trust you?(Jax Teller and Jennifer Davis)Where stories live. Discover now