Chapter 35

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It felt like for hours since Jax left to confront Gemma. Jennifer has anxiously been waiting for Jax to come home. She also been worried out of her mind. She's hoping Jax just let Gemma go but she knew Jax wasn't going to let Gemma go that easy. Jennifer found an old family album underneath the bed. Pulling it out Jennifer sat on the edge of the bed and started to look through the album.

Browsing through the Album Jennifer came across a photo of Tara and Gemma together with Abel and Thomas. From what she could tell from the photo Tara and Gemma seemed to happy and getting a long like an Daughter- in law and Mother in Law should. So what exactly happened between them? And why was Tara murdered by Gemma? There was so many questions flowing in Jennifer's head. Questions she wants to ask Jax but is too afraid to ask him.

Hearing the front door open and closing. Jennifer closed the photo album and placed it back under the bed before walking out of the room.
Walking out into the living room she slowly walked over to Jax.

"So how did it go?"

"I need to you to go over to Gemma's tomorrow and pack up her shit tomorrow."

Jennifer raised her brow for a moment." Are you telling me Gemma just left? Just like that?"

Jax nods his head."Yeah after confronted her about Tara's murder and of course she didn't deny about killing Tara. She agreed to leave Charming and never come back."

Jennifer wasn't sure what to say but all she could do was just nod her head." Okay I will be there tomorrow and put all her stuff in boxes."

"Thanks babe. I'll have some of the guys over and handle all the furniture and heavy shit."

"Okay baby. Are you hungry? Lyla brought over some home made lasagna. It's still warm."

"Not hungry. I'm just gonna go take a shower and get some sleep." Jax said as he leans over and kisses her cheek before heading towards the bathroom for a quick shower.

Jennifer jumped a little as she heard her phone going off. She sighs deeply as she wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone right now.


"Ahh Ms.Davis.Its Agent Stahel. How you doing this evening?"

"I was find until you called. Anything I can do for you Agent?"Jennifer asked flately.

"Well I was wondering if you can come to the station tomorrow so we can talk."

Jennifer sighs softly as she closed her eyes for a moment." About?"

"I just have some questions for you. Why don't come down to the station tomorrow morning. Say around 8?"

Jennifer glanced over and just Jax walked back into the living room with just sweat pants on. She just stood there slightly with her phone still in her hand.

"Ms Davis?"

"I'll be there." Jennifer said as she hung up and brought her hand down."Still hungry?" She asked as she walked up to him.

"No just tired. Who are you meeting tomorrow?" Jax asked.

"Oh just a new assistant I'm thinking of hiring." Jennifer said as she leans up and kisses him softly and walked down the hall and into their room and got ready for bed. Jennifer hates lying to Jax but it's best not to tell him just yet. Not at least until she finds out Stahel wants.

Few moments later Jennifer could feel the bed going down a little when Jax laid down. Jennifer then moved closer and laid against his chest and resting her hand against his chest as well.

"So she just left. Just like that?"

Sighs softly. Jax then shook his head." Not really."He said softly.

Jennifer crossed her brows for a moment as she looked up at him." What does that mean exactly?" She asked him. She then sat up little more as she glares down at him.

Jax sighs once more." I did what I had to do Jennifer. But I'm not one who did it."

Jennifer exhale deeply as she closed her eyes and realized right away who did." So you asked Happy to do it."

Jax nods his head." Yeah I did."

Jennifer sighs once more as she laid back down on her back and looks up at the ceiling. She starts to wonder if she should tell Jax about meeting with Stahel tomorrow and if this is what Stahel wanted to talk to Jennifer about.

Jax looks over and raised his brow for a moment." What is it?"

Jennifer shook her head as she rolled over to her side to face him." It's just I found an old family album under the bed earlier and while I was looking through it. I found photos of Tara and Gemma and they seemed to be getting along. So I can't help but what wonder what happened between them and why Gemma decided kill her and let her own grandsons grow up without a mother. Cause I can't imagine leaving Catelynn behind."

Jax grabs her by the wrist and pulls her closer to his chest." Jennifer your never gonna leave our daughter behind." He leans down and pressed his lips against her forehead and kissed it deeply.

Jennifer leans more against him as she nods her head." You don't have to tell me now. But when your ready will you tell me the real reason why Gemma did what she did?" Jennifer asked.

Jax nods his head as he ran his hand against her face."I will tell everything soon babe."

Jennifer nods her head as she yawns softly and started to fall asleep. Jennifer now fully understands what her job is as an old lady. Deep down she knew what Jax had Happy to do was wrong. But she also understood it was to protect the club and their family.

The End!!! Finally this story is
Finished!!! I wanna thank my readers for your support. Gonna work on the Sequal soon guys so keep an eye out for it!! Happy Holidays everyone.

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