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3rd Person Pov:

"What's wrong, Emma? You look pale." said their Mama, staring Emma down. (Y/N) and Norman listened to what was happening, but didn't dare to make a sound. Isabella said: "Which reminds me, you weren't so cheerful this morning." She touched Emmas left cheek. "That's not..." said Emma, trying to find a way to get out of that situation. It was silent for a few seconds. Just as Norman looked around the corner, Emma said: "It's nothing! I just got a little sad thinking that I'll leave the House soon, too." Isabella smiled at her, asking: "Do you like it here at the House?" Emma jumped into her arms saying: "I love the House and you, Mama!" She then said: "I wonder what Conny's doing right now..." (Y/N) took a sharp breath as she heard those words. But she managed to keep somewhat calm. Emma let go of their Mother and said: "Conny said she wanted to be a mother like you when she grew up." They smiled at each other. Their Mother then said: "Yes, I know. I'm sure Conny will become a lovely adult, and a good mother, too." Norman formed his hands into fists. Suddenly, the bell rang and Ray said: "Dinner preparations are ready, Mama." Emma, Isabella, and Norman looked at him. "I'll be right there." said their Mother with a smile as the other children rushed downstairs. (Y/N) decided to leave her hiding spot, putting a smile on her face. She said: "Emma, Norman, let's go, too." They both smiled and nodded, walking with (Y/N) down the stairs. "Did you two... go to the gate yesterday?" asked their Mother. The three of them stopped. (Y/N) looked at Isabella in a questioning way, to not raise any suspision. Norman then turned around and said: "We didn't. That's against the rules. Besides, we were having too much fun playing tag yesterday, right?" "Yeah!" said Emma. "Why?" "It's nothing. As long as you didn't go." The three kids smiled at their Mother before they went down the stairs. However, as they got to the bottom, Emma immediately dropped to the floor, breathing heavily. Norman grabbed the railing, while (Y/N) leaned onto the wall. She then went up to Emma and held out a hand, asking: "C-Can you stand up?" Emma looked at her, noticing her whole body was shaking. Emma took her hand and let her help her. The three of them then smiled at each other, confidently.

(Y/N) Pov:

10 pm on point. I waited next to Emma for Norman to get out of the room. He looked at us and we nodded at the same time. The three of us then went towards a locked room. Luckily, Norman managed to open it. We went inside, instantly looking around for anything that may be used as a rope. I looked through a few boxes, but found nothing like that.

Time skip: the next day

(Y/N) Pov:

"This was a really good idea, Norman." said Emma. "Using tablecloths." Norman said: "This can be used as rope." We untied them from our waists. I giggled nervously, saying: "I... Might need a bit help..." Norman chuckled as he helped me untie them. As we finished, Emma put all of the tablecloths into a hole in a tree. It was high enough that no one would see in it. Not even Mama. Emma smiled as she said: "With this, we can get over the wall." She then jumped down and the three of us looked at said wall. Norman said: "Okay. The challenge is still ahead of us." "Where the tracking devices are..." said Emma. I said: "And a way to get everyone out." Emma said: "Hey, Norman, (Y/N)." We looked at her as she said: "I think it might be fine if we told Ray." I put my hand to my chin, thinking as Norman said: "I was thinking that, too. Ray most likely wouldn't panic. And because of his extensive knowledge, he's good with machines, too. I'm sure we can depend on him. But..." "But?" asked Emma. Norman took a quick glance at me and said: "(Y/N) and me will talk to Ray. Why don't you go back, and-" "Why?" asked a sudden, familliar voice. Emma and Norman were surprised, while I just looked at him. I was already wondering when he'd show up. "Ray!" said Emma. "Yo." he said, raising a hand. After a few seconds of silence, he said: "Sorry, I followed you guys." Emma was shocked while Norman chuckled awkwardly. I put my arms behind my back, saying: "And here I thought you'd never come." The three of them looked at me. Emma asked: "What do you mean?" I simply looked at Ray, who said: "It's been bugging me for a while, so I thought I should ask about it." He gave me the book he was holding and walked behind the other two. He then put his arms around them, pulling them closer. "What happened at the gate that night? When you went to go deliver Little Bunny to Conny. All three of you were acting weird. And you were emtpy-handed when you said you didn't make it. And-" His eyes met mine for a second, and he stopped himself from saying anything else. Norman said: "You're perceptive." "So of course something happened. Give it up." "Ray is smart, too, after all." said Emma, being squeezed by him. "All right. We'll tell you." I said with a small smile. The three of them looked at me.

"Demons... A farm... Mama is an enemy?" repeated Ray, thinking about the information we just gave him. "Isn't this bad?" "He catches on fast!" said Emma, clearly shocked. Ray said: "So you're saying we were preciously taken care of to become demon food." while he touched the number on his neck. "I mean... I'm surprised you're believing us so easily." said Emma, pointing at him. Ray replied: "Of course. Norman and (Y/N) wouldn't make up such a stupid lie. It'd be different with you, Emma." She was clearly taken aback by that, but decided to let it slip. "So, if we're really going to escape, there are various issues. First, the number of kids. We'll narrow it down to who can make it and-" "Wait!" interferred Emma. "Hm?" "I want to escape with everyone. Lend us your strenght, Ray!" said Emma. "Everyone? You're kidding, right? There are 38 of us. And the majority are under six years old. Mama. Demons. Tracking devices. These factors make an already difficult escape even more challenging." said Ray. I lowered my head, looking at the ground. "I know that. But it's not impossible-" "No, it's impossible. Emma, you haven't noticed, have you?" cut Ray off. I know what comes now... Norman quickly said: "Ray, wait!" "I see. That's why you said you'll talk to me yourself. You have to be blunt about these kinds of things. Emma." "What?" "It won't be enough to just escape from here."


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