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Amber cried the hell out of her. She must have been so guilty. Her tears, as well as her family's, were never stopping. I can't help but to pity them.

A loud sound of police siren are coming from the outside to where we are right now. In just a matter of seconds the house was filled with alternating blue and red lights. It's blinding.

Police came running from the car all the way inside the house. They pointed their guns to the helpless young maiden.

A bunch of stupid assholes.

Then, they carefully brought the corpse with them. They slid it inside a black body bag. As soon as I heard it zipped, I knew that this family will never be like what it was again.

I know that Amber killed Cassandra. Envy turned her into a monster she doesn't want to be. But I know that she has a good heart. Good corrupted heart indeed.

I personally think that Amber doesn't deserve to be in jail. She seems unaware of the danger she had done in the past. She needed to see a psychiatrist. She needs to be treated.

The mind is sometimes the enemy of our heart. It hinders us to do good actions because the brain thinks about the possible consequences of our action.

But what if your mind become your greatest enemy? What if it has a different thinking as you, and you can't even control it? Can you handle it?

This is the condition that Amber is experiencing right now. There is a battle between her mind and herself. And I think that that is the greatest battle of all. It's the most difficult war an individual could face.

How could you fight your own mind, knowing the your mind also controls you and your actions? How can you make your mind your best friend if it doesn't listen to you?

Amber is such a strong lady. A normal person couldn't handle such condition but she did it anyways. I'm proud of her.

But in the battle between her mind and herself, she lost.

She lost her own mind. Or her mind lost its body? We don't know.

We won't know.

The police are now holding Amber in their hands. They treat her as if she was a serial murderer.

I pity her.

In fact, she is a victim here. A victim of her insanity.

She doesn't deserve to be treated this way.

I couldn't stand it now, so I faced the police men.

"Sir," I called them. "May I ask a little bit of your time because I needed to tell you something important."

Confusion from the eyes of the policemen is now evident. The highest ranking official among them faced me. I think he is a major.

"Yes? What do you need?" He angrily asked.

"Uhm sir, I think Amber shouldn't go to jail." I nervously said.

He looked at me with so much disappointment then chuckled a little.

"Boy, we can't do that. She killed someone, you know?" he playfully replied.

No, you can do that.

"But sir, I think she's experiencing hallucinations that led her to do criminal things. Her actions doesn't define what she's thinking and what she really is. I heard the her sister is experiencing a mind disorder. I think she can also acquire that because of their traumatic experiences with their father. She must seek psychological help."

I hope I made a point.

He looks stunned because of what he probably heard right now. I think he is now weighing the judgment he should do because of my sudden confession.

He placed his right hand under his chin as if he was thinking.

"Thank you for that, boy." He thanked me. "You're right, I think she needs to see a doctor. I'll call one."

He assured me with his words.

I hope she gets treated and be better as soon as possible. The Evangelista family is now in a dilemma.

As soon as the major turned his gaze somewhere, I noticed a presence of someone behind me.

"D-doctor?" she asked probably hearing our conversation with the major.

I turned around to face her and was a little startled when I saw Mrs. Evangelista there.

"Good evening, Ma'am." I smiled after I made a head bow.

"What do you mean by that, m-mister? Why did Amber need to see a doctor?"

Oh, she doesn't know?

That's what Amber is telling them. They didn't mind her. They are together almost everytime but they didn't noticed it, huh? Poor Amber.

They knew about Amy's condition but they didn't knew about Amber's. This could be stopped if they saw the signs earlier. But heck, they didn't.

"Ma'am," I tried to get her full attention. She seemed to be shocked with all the recent happenings right now. From her foot, her gaze slowly shifted to my face. As I sensed her ready to listen, I started to talk.

"She has a mind condition. I don't know what it is specifically but I know she is under one right now."

Her knees started to tremble. Her hands are now shaking. This has been to much for her, but the truth needs to be told.

"You're with her everyday but you didn't notice it, did you? She's having a hard time fighting her anxiety. She's constantly winning against her depression but she lost today. I'm sorry.

She collapsed in the floor but luckily Hale held her. She starting crying again.

But tears couldn't return back something that is wasted.

And it's sad.

It's sad because you couldn't do anything about it.

You can't do anything, but to cry and cry.

"I'm s-sorry, A-amber. I didn't k-know."

Yeah, she didn't know.

They didn't know because Amber doesn't want them to know. She thought that it will be just a burden to them if they will also think about that knowing about her sister's condition.

She loves them. But she forgot her self.

She thought that she could handle it herself. But nah.

She needed someone. But someone also needs her that time she needed someone. So she decided to save that someone not minding herself.

That's how she lost.

She became selfless.

"I'm sorry. I-i'm sorry." Mrs. Amelia keeps on repeating those words.

"Amber, I really am sorry. If i just knew it."
She cried.


But these tears are now useless.

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