The Six Short Angry Men

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Panting and heaving,

Her emotions in a race!

While fear took supreme,

And coursed through her veins. . .

An ache in her heart,

A piece of her missing. . .

If only she could turn back time!

The sun now set,

But her thoughts weren't at rest.

It happened so fast. . .

The memories blurred,

While her emotions stirred.

How could this happen?

They were all having so much fun!

Then an old lady came,

Who looked so frail and sweet.

If only she knew, 

The lady was viscous

Her sudden appearance very suspicious!

She gave her an apple and said,

"My deary please eat!

You look so pale.

You must eat,

Complete this task, 

Do not fail. . ."

The short men were suspicious,

But she did not listen.

Before she could take action,

Dopey took flight,

And took the first bite. . .

With a lazy smile,

He told her,

"Don't become vile, 

And al-always smile. . ."

Now he was gone, 

And she ran for her life. . .

Gone like the wind, 

Hidden in the woods.

She would not be vile,

But she could not give a smile. . .

The dwarves minds were warped,

Blinded by anger,

Guided by vengeance.

They could not hear his pleads from beyond. . .

Rolling in his grave,

As they made his death in vain!

She could not fight. 

Nor could she step in the light.

The shadows her friends,

Hiding her from six short angry men. . .

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