I Know You

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Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

Why are you so evil to me,

When I love and know you?

You used to be nice. . .

You wouldn't think twice,

To give me sugary sweet delights.

Or to act as my charming knight. . .

                                                                             You still are, you just won't show it!

Didn't we say,

We would see all kinds of sights?

I have some advice.

Don't pretend because. . .

I know you!

But I guess you don't know me. . .

Because I will always pursue,

Trying to pick the pieces of our friendship

And maybe something more. . .

So let's start anew!

I know you,

I know you miss me.

Now don't you lie,

Because I just won't comply.

Unless, you want me with another. . . ?

Now don't you shudder,

You will always be my lover!

Unless you keep pushing me in the gutter. . .

Can we please rediscover,

What used to be in color?

Do you love another?

Must I become her?

Oh, or are you undercover?

No, I guess I'm just some nutter. . .

I can't be discouraged!

Just tell me how you are burdened!

To make you mine,

I am determined. . . !

I know you,

This is all just some test.

But what for?

To show I am the best!

Or. . .

Am I being assessed?

To see if I am true,

In what I've expressed?

Only time will tell. . .

And so will you!

Don't think for a second,

I've forgotten all the,

"I love you's!"

It can't be taken back,

Your demeanor has to crack!

I don't know if I know you. . .

Please, tell me what is true?

Don't make my heart turn blue and,

Confirm what I know is truly you!

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