Queen Crazy

18 5 13

Going crazy,

My mind feels hazy.

I'm trapped,

Never to be let free.

I'll only feel "free,"

Once I've adapted.

But how can I adapt?

When on day one,

I feel my mind crack.

The days go by,

But I haven't kept track.

I feel like an overplayed song on repeat.

Boring, not the same jam,

I've accepted defeat.

Only not completely because,

I wait patiently to conquer my next feat.

They all see a cage with a trapped beast.

But behind the bars,

I plan my next feast.

I'll make them regret thinking I've ceased.

I'm the queen they exiled,

Planning my return.

They pushed me down,

Threw me out,

Left me to be eaten by wolves,

Little did they know I became one myself.

They pushed me down,

I got back up.

They threw me out,

Now I'm working my way back in.

When the creatures came howling,

I received a short fight and left scowling.

When you cast someone out,

They just fade out.

Depressed from being repressed.

But I'm not someone.

And I'll show them when you're cast out,

You better come back with more than a shout.

I'm crazy, not lazy.

We've only just started the show,

Let me show you everything I know.

Realization will overflow and

The Crazy Queen will be back on her throne

So don't say goodbye,

When I've just said hello.

I'm back!

Don't expect me to slack.

Oh and if you dare defy me again,

Better have your prayers ready and say amen.

I'm crazy and I'm wise,

You can't so easily plan my demise.

Now open your eyes,

Do you see tears?

Do you hear cries?

Not while I am here.

The spies you met told you nothing but lies.

Lies that you so foolishly believed.

But it's ok.

I'm back better than ever,

Ready to make my attack!

Now my dear people I say rise.

Rise from the lies and pain.

Rise for everything we will gain.

Rise for the monarch who will remain.

The Queen of Crazy

Hehe, this is the 80th poem!

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