Fake News

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What I do,

Matters not for you,

But for me.

So I did this,

So I said that.

Yeah, I did that,

But not with you.

You're right I said that,

But not to you!

Spread your rumors!

You weren't there,

So I don't care.

Do you know me?

You act like you do,

Yet, we've never met. . .

Don't listen to,

What they say.

All there is to say is,

Goodbye, fake news!

Drama, drama, drama, there's always drama and a lot of the time it starts from something fake. If you have heard rumors people have about you, or maybe they misunderstood a situation and took it personal, don't waste your time on them. Just focus on being yourself, because you know how you act best and you know when something said about you, is a lie. There are always going to be haters, who have nothing better to do in their life. Don't let them drag you down! They don't personally know you so they're an unreliable source, they have nothing on you. 

Keep safe guys! Keep on smiling! Love you all! <3<3<3

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