Do You Know What's Wrong?

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                                                            Spreading chaos in a fight.

                                                Don't scare the others, protest with peace.

                                                         Fight WITH love FOR love...!

When you're fighting for something right, don't let hate blind you. Instead remember who you're fighting for or what you're fighting for. With the protests, we are trying to make a difference, but some people have taken it too far. Don't let the hate for something make you as bad as the thing you hate. Don't fight fire with fire. By spreading positivity, it can make a quicker and bigger difference.

That's all for this poem hoped you guys enjoyed! I don't think I mentioned, but for those of you who don't know, I also have a fantasy book. It's called, "Once Upon A Halloween..." If you like fantasy go check it out ;) First couple of chapters are slow, but things get intense. Have a good day guys, stay safe, and love you all! <3<3<3

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