The Prince and Princess

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To the ball she went,

Without her stepmother's consent.

She danced and danced,

But not with her prince charming,

For he looked a little alarming ,

And never spared her a glance.

But only because two step sisters,

Never gave him the chance.


It made her experience enhanced.

She danced with the rebel prince,

Who had her convinced,

She never met him.

After that night,

She said goodbye.

Long gone twenty-four/seven cleaning.

But hello to her new life's meaning.

She'd live with the man of her dreams,

And they'd live in a happy routine.

At least that's what she had planned. . .

The rebel prince ran away,

No longer wanting to be on display.


They were together!

Until the knights found him. . .

He told her to stay,

Not wanting her to become prey.

She refused to be told what to do.

She left that life,

And now she was a part of his.

She became the Unknown Princess,

Dress in blue.

She was the piece,

The kingdom searched for,

To finally make the rebel prince at peace.

They changed the times,

Decreased the crimes,

And went down in history.

He's the Rebel Prince,

She's Princess of Peace.

Her life turned out better,

Then losing her shoe,

And finding some shallow love.

He loved her for more than her looks.

In this story,

They were more than royalty.

They were more than just a,

Prince and Princess

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