Do You Know Me?

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Do you miss me?

I thought,

You'd want to be free. . .

Yet, here you are,

Looking like a star.

                                          The flutter in my heart is anything but subpar.

Please don't make this harder.

They say just regard her,

Her brother threatens,

"Do not harm her!"

My past is vast.

Our relationship,

Will not last. . .

Why are you doing this?

Yes, I thought.

Of you with another. . .

Is enough to make me a runner,

The thought,

Makes my blood boil!

I don't have a choice.

Hearing your cries,

Your doubts,

Gives me a voice,

One I shouldn't use.

My past,

Will only lead to your abuse. . .

Do you know me?

I once was your knight. . .

Spoiled you with sweet delights.

But once you know my past,

Will you make plight?

If you're willing to fight,

Despite my mental smites.

I feel contrite,

For not giving light on my past sooner.

I guess you do know me.

Thank you for staying by my side,

Even when I denied.

I know you,

I knew this wouldn't work.

You're not one to shirk.

Do you know,

I don't like you?

Now hold on,

Let me finish, my dear.

I love you. . . !

This is part two to the first poem :) Let me know your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to vote before you go <3

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