Show Them

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What are you doing there?

Get your butt up,

We're going out tonight!

Say goodbye to your ex.

Who was a blind fool,

Not worth your time.

Tonight isn't about the guys,

Tonight is for the girls!

Now unleash your inner queen.

You don't need a king,

You got this on your own!

Don't waste your tears on him,

He feeds off your pain,

Let him starve, while you strive.

Don't let him,

Do the same to other girls!

For all who have been hurt.

Even you guys,

Don't let them leave you broken.

Let them leave you,

Standing tall,

With all the pieces to your heart,

In your hand.

Not shattered on the floor. . .

Start off with pretend,

Give them your best poker face.

Don't let them leave with a smile on their face,

But doubt in their eyes, then realizing it's too late.

Don't let them break you down!

Once they leave,

Turn around.

Look at those who stayed,

There to build you up!

Don't cry over what was lost,

But smile over what was gained.

New memories, more experience,

And the chance to see those,

Who are not fake!

Now gather around,

Stick together and,

Show them. . .

 Who's boss!

Breakups. . . Are terrible and suck. Now I've never been in a relationship, but I've seen how affected my friends were by one.  Some situations it leaves the person wondering what they did wrong, when they weren't wrong at all. If there was something bothering their partner, if they really wanted to make the relationship work they'd communicate about what's bothering them. Not giving up and telling their partner all the things that they're leaving over things that can easily be fixed, or worked on.

Don't waste your tears on the person who left. They did you a favor, which is crazy to think, but true. They weren't the one for you, they saved you from spending more time on them when you could be finding your real partner. Not all that happened with them has gone to waste, but are memories that show how you have growned as a person. Showing what you want in a lover and what you don't want to settle for. Maybe when the relationship is done you think you're all alone. Well you're wrong. You get to see who are your real friends, that will stick by you and show you that you're strong and independent. You can say goodbye to the fake friends, who just show up whenever and disappear not long after. You grow as a person from each situation. Don't take the breakup as you've lost so much, look at how much you gained. It will help you realize that what you "lost," wasn't really much and you've gotten so much more because of it.

Anyways, be sure to leave a comment and to vote ;) Love you guys~! <3<3<3

Anyways, be sure to leave a comment and to vote ;) Love you guys~! <3<3<3

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