Break Free

15 5 4

I'm feeling rebellious.

Like a trouble maker,

Ready to shake things up.

I've followed the rules,

But there's just too many,

And they all seem so cruel.

It's time to do what I want to do.

It's time I say goodbye to the crew.

I want to run free!

Feel the wind push my hair back.

I need my space,

Everything's coming close and I feel attacked.

Your rules did nothing.

No one liked them,

But they just followed along.

It's time I break free.

No, I won't flee.

I'll just break from the chains.

It's time for me to leave these domains.

It's time I live my life and

Break Free

Thanks for 1.6k reads!!! I hit ya guys with five updates ;P I really gotta start writing more in order to finish in time for the wattys shorts XD 17 more to go! 9 days left (Not counting all the editing I gotta do). . . I GOT THIS ! ! !

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