What To Do?

26 8 13

Tapping my fingers,

What do I do?

Do I dare pick up the pencil?

Only to erase all my thoughts?

Or twiddle my thumbs?

Either way,

Leaves me annoyed at myself. 

Charge and press on,

Only to be defeated?

Or wait for it to go,

As I watch the grass go?

Tired and bored,

Don't know what to do.

I could write,

But I don't want to. . .

My eyes are drooping.

My own writing,

Has me snoozing.

Who reads this?

Why read this when,

There's so much more elsewhere?

I'm grateful and confused.

Some days,

I feel proud of my work!

But others like today. . .

Have me questioning everything!

What makes my writing so special?

What makes it stand out?

When I write,

I don't want to be,

Told what to do.

Just want some support,

But also the truth.

No need to be so formal.

Just act like you don't know me,

And tell me the truth!

Don't care if,

It will make me sad.

I just want to know,

How to improve.

I know it's the grammar,

But that's not what I ask for.

That can always be fixed,

It's not too difficult to find.

What I want to know,

Does the plot have potential?

Or does it cause a siesta?

No sugarcoating,

No lies.

That's the only way,

I will know what to do!

Tomorrow, I'll think differently.

I won't be questioning,

I will be a beacon of pride.

But for now,

I won't hide my mood.

I don't feel inspired,

What to do?

Hey guys! So today's poem is about when I get writers block and am in a writing slump. I'm so thankful for my readers. But during the days where I feel my writing is mediocre, I wonder what makes you guys attracted to my writing. 

Sometimes, when I ask for help I don't want a full list of details. I know I am always going to make grammar errors XD But normally when I ask, I just want to know if it's something worth a readers time, if it's worth continuing to write. If I should continue or drop it because it isn't going to work. I don't think I'm the only writer who feels this way when in a slump, but I'm sure it's different for all of us. Anyways, on a lighter note thanks for 600 reads! 

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